Track your partner or child anywhere with GPS tracking pro

A GPS tracking app can be very useful to track your child or in the worst case to keep an eye on your partner. There are several apps you can use to track someone, including GPS tracking Pro. We explain how the app works.

Download and install

GPS tracking pro can be downloaded for free for your Android smartphone. You install the app and give yourself a name, which will later show you in the app on the GPS map. You can now invite others, such as your child or a friend, to join the group account.

Everyone who participates is visible if they have their GPS on on their smartphone. You can create multiple groups, for example with friends you go on holiday with or with colleagues at work.


Always trace children

Little by little society feels less safe. With GPS tracking pro you can therefore always and everywhere keep an eye on where your children are. You then install this free app on your children’s smartphone or tablet and switch on the GPS. You invite them to join you in the group and accept the invitation.

After creating an account for your children, you can always find them on the map shown in GPS tracking pro. They don’t even need to know that you can do this as a parent, but as a parent it can give peace of mind when you see that your child has arrived home safely after school.

Anyone who accepts your request can be found on the map.

Emergency call

The handy thing about GPS tracking pro is that your kids can make an emergency call if something is wrong. There is an emergency button in the app that sends a message to all affiliate members when a person presses it. If your child does not feel safe, he or she can press the button, after which you as a parent will receive an emergency message on your smartphone. You can then trace where your child is, call the police and quickly go to the relevant location yourself.

An emergency call will go to anyone in the affected list.

Unreliable partner

The app does not necessarily have to be used for politically correct purposes. If your relationship is not going well, your partner reacts strangely or has to work overtime very often, you can use GPS tracking pro to monitor whether your partner is honest in the relationship. For this you have to install the app on yourself and your partner, without that person noticing anything.

If you turn on GPS on his or her smartphone, you can keep an eye on whether your partner is actually in the office and not in the local bar or in an unknown location. It’s not without risk, but you can put an end to any doubts you have.

GPS Tracker Pro

Are you looking for a tracking app for your iPhone, you can FollowMee GPS Location Tracker give it a try. Install the app on the device you want to track and log in to see where the device is located. This app makes it possible to track family members, company phones or even employees.


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