Trick to mini or maximize macOS windows in slow motion

Up to macOS 10.12 Sierra it was possible to perform the mini and maximizing windows in a delay. All you had to do for this was the shift⇧ Hold down when mini or maximizing a window.

Since macOS 10.13 High Sierra, this may have been switched off by Apple as standard, using MacOS Terminal you can reactivate the effect if you wish. This is a setting of the dock that you cannot switch on or off via  ▸ ▸ System Preferences.

Activate mini and maximize in slow motion

To activate mini and maximize in slow motion, open the macOS Terminal app.

  • Open terminal via apps ▸ Utilities
  • Copy the command below (command⌘ + C)
  • Stick the command in an empty window (command⌘ + V)
  • Press enter To carry out the command
$ defaults write slow-motion-allowed -bool true

If the institution has been adjusted with Defaults Write Commando, the dock must be restarted, the adjustment only becomes active after that. You restart the dock with the command:

$ killall Dock

Do you want to disable Slowmotion effect? Then you can do this with the command below.

$ defaults write slow-motion-allowed -bool false;killall Dock


After the Dock is restarted, we can test the slow motion effect. Open any app and minimize the window with the green ball while you shift⇧ holds pressed. You will find that the window in SlowMotion disappears in the dock. Keep your shift⇧ When re -opening the app from the Dock, this will also happen in SlowMotion.

Curious what this effect looks like in practice? In the video below you see an example when testing the ‘Suck effect’.

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