Mobility sector responds

The mobility sector reacted with dismay to the news that a truck driving license will be required for heavy electric vans in the new year. Ten industry organizations are calling for an extension of the tolerance situation.
It was announced on Thursday that in 2024 a C driving license will really be required for electric vans with a maximum permitted mass of 3,501 kilos and higher. In practice, this means that entrepreneurs may be surprised that they have to obtain their C driving license, or that they can transport less cargo than expected. It is a thorn in the side of ten industry organizations. De Bovag, Transport & Logistiek Nederland (TLN), the Rai Association, Evofenedex, the Association of Dutch Car Leasing Companies (VNA), Koninklijke Bouwend Nederland, Techniek Nederland, INretail, VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland are therefore jointly making an urgent appeal to the Second Room.
They believe that the tolerance scheme ends too early (on July 1, 2024) and want it to be extended until final legislation is in place. In concrete terms, they would like to see that you are allowed to drive an electric van up to 4,250 kilos TMM with a B driving license until January 1, 2025. That should be enough time to ‘update the legislation’, so that the electric vans can ‘continue’ afterwards. According to the parties, this is necessary to support the development of emission-free transport: ‘The further sustainability and livability of city centers and shopping areas is being delayed.’
The trade organizations do not agree with the argument for no longer tolerating this situation, namely road safety. Elisabeth Post, chairman of the board of Transport and Logistics Netherlands: “There was a pilot that did not show that this type of van would be less safe. Moreover, these vehicles are all authorized by the RDW. Since when is it the Public Prosecution Service that determines whether something is safe? or unsafe? This is a bit like the world turned upside down!”
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