“Volkswagen CEO fears 30,000 jobs”

Volkswagen Herbert Diess SUV CEO CEO

Volkswagen Group CEO Herbert Diess would have made a statement that caused a lot. He has reportedly linked the transition to an all-electric offering with a potential loss of 30,000 jobs.

It often happens that something comes out about discussions at the top of a large car group. In Germany Handelsblatt regularly the medium that can bring this from Volkswagen out and also now it has picked up something remarkable. Herbert Diess, the CEO of the Volkswagen Group, is said to have said at the last meeting with the Supervisory Board at the end of September that 30,000 jobs are potentially at risk. That job loss would be related to the transition to electric driving. That the transition could cost jobs is in itself no surprise. This was also apparent at Mercedes-Benz, for example. However, 30,000 jobs is a lot.

Handelsblatt is often close to the truth, for example, it already announced cuts and job losses at Volkswagen in March just before Volkswagen announced cuts itself. This time, one of the people who attended the meeting in question would have flipped out of the school. Diess’ statement would have caused a great deal of commotion, the source said. The spokesman of the Volkswagen top, Michael Manske, contradicts in conversation with Reuters the claims that Handelsblatt brings out. “There are no concrete scenarios. They are still being discussed and there are already many good ideas,” he says in relation to the plans to prepare Volkswagen for an electric future. A spokesperson for the Volkswagen employees’ association does not elaborate on what exactly was said by Diess, but does say: “The cutting of 30,000 jobs is absurd and based on nothing.”

– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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