New study model, new design language

Auto China is currently the stage where many car manufacturers present big news. From completely new models to concept cars. Volkswagen also has conceptual news, although this is of less importance for Europe. Get to know the Volkswagen ID Code.
This is the Volkswagen ID Code: a brand new study model with which Volkswagen hopes to attract attention on the Auto China exhibition floor. In addition, it also wants to send a signal. The ID Code should show what Volkswagen has in the pipeline for Chinese consumers.
Volkswagen’s Chinese branch previously indicated that the brand is taking a new design path with the show car. The appearance of the ID Code is indeed further removed from ID4, ID5, ID6 and ID7, among others. In Europe, Volkswagen also seems to be toning down the ID design dominated by round and convex shapes. Just look at the design that the Volkswagen designers led by design boss Andreas Mindt gave the ID2.All Concept. The Volkswagen ID Code is of course packed with things that you would no longer be shocked to see in a study model in 2024. For example, Volkswagen speaks of an exterior that functions, among other things, as a “projection surface for AI-supported light and display systems.” Fiercely. Extensive technical specifications of the electrically powered show car – which should be able to drive autonomously at Level 4 – are not yet available.
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