What to do when it’s hot The best tips for surviving the heat wave

What to do when it’s hot  The best tips for surviving the heat wave
Photo: Unsplash/ CC0/ Jakob Owens

Summer, sun, sweat and heat – this summer means hot temperatures again. Utopia shows you what you can do when you are too hot: the best tips against the heat.

In some areas of Germany, temperatures will rise to over 35 degrees this week, and in some places even over 40 degrees are expected. What to do when it’s hot We have put together a number of tips for you to help you survive heat waves better.

1. What to do in the heat? Drink more!

The most important thing in heat and hot temperatures: drink a lot. Up to three liters, depending on thirst (unless there are health reasons against it)! Also read: Drinking water – that much is healthy.

The ideal thirst quencher is tap water. Since the body also loses minerals through sweating on hot days, you should also drink drinks containing minerals such as juice spritzers, teas or soups or broths in between.

Avoid sugary drinks, mix in juice spritzers and homemade lemonade. Avoid bottled water, it’s more ecological and healthier. Instead of ice cream from a pack: make your own ice cream without an ice cream maker.

Do you want to take tap water with you?

  • The best BPA-free drinking bottles
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2. Avoid alcohol and caffeine when it’s hot

Even if it’s nice to sit on the balcony or terrace with a drink right now: leave it at a beer after work or a glass of wine. Alcohol removes liquid and minerals from our body – and thus increases the effect of the high temperatures.

Avoid alcohol, especially in the midday heat, and don’t drink too much in the evening. Also avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee, black or green tea, because the caffeine puts a strain on the circulatory system in the summer heat.

If you do want a coffee, here’s our tip for when it’s hot: try our homemade cold brew (recipe).

3. Tips against heat: Eat lighter

You should also adapt your diet to the hot days. When it is hot, several small and light meals are ideal, which are eaten throughout the day. Vegetable pans, salads or just a bit of fruit for in between are suitable for this, for example – also good for a sustainable, healthy lunch break.

Water-rich fruits are particularly recommended. Cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, peaches or strawberries are ideal, for example – these are not only rich in water, but also seasonal. Difficult to digest and also less sustainable dishes such as sausage plates should be avoided. You can find seasonal fruits and vegetables in the Utopia seasonal calendar.

4. Go to cool places when it is hot

Adapt your daily routine to the heat, if that is possible. For example: get up earlier and work when it’s still cool. Stay cool in the middle of the day and limit your outdoor activities to the morning and evening hours.

Cold showers offer refreshing cooling – they are also better for the climate than warm ones. If you don’t have the opportunity to do this, it also helps to let cool water run over your wrists or to put a cool, damp compress on your forehead or neck. Water sprays also have a cooling effect, but also produce a lot of waste. A refillable spray bottle is much more environmentally friendly.

5. Protect against heat

If you are unable to stay in a cool room during the heat, at least stay in the shade and avoid direct sunlight – see also: Avoiding sunburn. Wear light, light-colored cotton clothing that is light and not restrictive.

Make sure you have adequate UV protection: Use (sustainable) sunglasses and sunscreen for all uncovered areas of skin and a wide-brimmed sun hat (neck protection!). Also read our articles sunscreen test and organic sunscreen.

If you have to go out in the sun in the heat: apply lotion!
If you want to go out in the sun in the heat: sunscreen! (Photo: © contrastwerkstatt – fotolia.com)

6. Against heat: keep your home cool

Nothing is more uncomfortable in summer than a heated apartment, because then you can’t sleep at night. A common recommendation is therefore: Darken your rooms with curtains or shutters during the day and keep windows closed. Other experts, on the other hand, warn against closing the windows. On the contrary, ventilation is important in order to transport humidity and carbon dioxide out of the apartment. Whether the windows should remain open or closed depends on several factors, such as the position of the windows and the amount of sunlight. In any case, you should ventilate the room extensively at night and in the morning.

If you can’t sleep at night: It helps to eat less in the evening and not to drink alcohol, which warms you up inside. Also read: Cool your home without air conditioning

Turn off all electronic devices (completely and not just on standby). Try to avoid artificial lighting: anything that uses electricity heats the room. Doing without electrical appliances – or at least using them sparingly – not only helps against the heat: you are doing something good for the environment and your wallet. Our tips for saving electricity will also help here.

Create free spaces, because these should also cool. For example, clear away carpets and banish unnecessary items to the basement. Our tips for decluttering will help with this. A bad tip against heat: use the fan. Not only does it consume a lot of electricity, it also makes you sweat more easily and can even cause your muscles to tense up.

7. Tips against heat: Avoid exercise

Try to refrain from physical exertion – this is especially true in the hot midday hours. If you want to exercise, it’s best to only do it in the morning or, if necessary, in the evening when it’s still cool or already a little cooler. If you cannot take this into account and have to do physical work during the heat, you should drink even more: ½ to 1 liter per hour is ideal.

8. Keep fit against the heat

Those who are physically fit and healthy are more resilient and can adapt more easily to severe temperature fluctuations and heat waves. Therefore, make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet – preferably organic, regional and seasonal. Move a lot, don’t smoke, drink little alcohol.

In the heat: drink a lot!
In the heat: drink a lot! (Photo: © Bred&Co – Fotolia.com)

9. Pay attention to those around you, even when it’s hot

Elderly people, children and the sick are particularly vulnerable groups of people and often cannot help themselves. Infants and young children should never be exposed to direct sunlight. Older people often no longer have a pronounced feeling of thirst and forget to drink enough in the heat. If they appear confused, it’s often a warning sign that they’re dehydrated. Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach also recently wrote on Twitter that older and sick people must be protected from the heat wave now.

Never (!!) leave small children or people with disabilities in a parked car – not even for a quick hop to the supermarket. This also applies to animals such as dogs, because animals also suffer when it is hot.

10. Enjoy the summer

Even if the heat can often be uncomfortable: Make the most of it. The advantage of the hot temperatures is that you can go on your own little beach holiday right after work – to the nearest bathing lake. If you are longingly waiting for a holiday in the south all year round, you already have these temperatures on your doorstep.

Even more tips about heat

We summarize: In order to keep a cool head on hot days, the following tips will help against the heat:

  1. drink more
  2. Avoid alcohol and caffeine
  3. Eat lighter
  4. Go to cool places
  5. Protect against heat
  6. keep the apartment cool
  7. avoid movement
  8. Stay fit
  9. Pay attention to fellow human beings
  10. Enjoy the summer

So that you don’t start sweating in the first place, it is important to avoid common heat-related mistakes, for example: drinking ice-cold drinks that stimulate the body’s own heat production. Air conditioning is also not a good idea, as the temperature differences can put a strain on the circulation. When it comes to nutrition, there are many things that can go wrong. Also read: 9 common diet mistakes to avoid when it’s hot

Here are a few heat tips from Dr. Eckhart von Hirschhausen:

What to do when it's hot  The best tips to endure the heat wave

Read more on Techzle.com:

  • Avoid sunburn: 10 tips you should know
  • Grilling sustainably: 10 tips
  • The optimal refrigerator temperature

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