What will help you in lockdown: The best tips from the Utopia community

Photo: davide bonaldo / stock.adobe.com

A partial lockdown has been in effect in Germany since Monday – so we will spend more of the coming weeks at home. We asked the Utopia community for tips to make this time as pleasant as possible. These are the recommendations of our readers.

Events have been canceled, restaurants, cinemas, theaters and much more have been closed: public life will stand still at least until the end of November – for the second time this year. One difference to the previous “Lockdown”: This time the weather is worse, which makes some outdoor activities difficult.

We asked Utopia readers on Facebook and Instagram what helped them last time. Well over 600 comments with experiences and tips have come together on both platforms. We have summarized the most common recommendations:

1. Rituals and structure

For many readers, it helps to establish a structure and rituals to – as one person put it – “not to sink into bed without motivation”. Specific tips:

  • Establish morning and evening routines

  • Set tasks and goals for the following day in the evening
  • Determine deadlines – even for smaller tasks

2. Complete postponed tasks

Join both sides of the hole together.
An idea for the “Lockdown light”: repair broken clothing. (Photo: Jana / Utopia)

The partial shutdown can be used well to do things for which you otherwise have no time. Several readers recommend making a list of tasks – and completing them. Suggestions for this from the Utopia community:

  • rearrange or renovate the apartment (particularly frequent tip: paint the apartment)
  • Fix things and clothes
  • Mucking out
  • View and sort photos, design photo albums and photo calendars
  • Bring the garden or balcony into shape

3. Get enough exercise and spend time outdoors

Morning exercise: 8 reasons for a morning workout
Important for the immune system: sufficient exercise. (@ Jan Kolar / VUI Designer / Unsplash)

For many readers, it is particularly important to have enough exercise in the fresh air and exercise. Sport is also possible within your own four walls thanks to the many online offers.

  • Ride a bike and explore home
  • Going for a walk in the forest or park, consciously perceiving nature. (Some also take garbage bags and collect rubbish)
  • Do sports or dance with friends / family on Skype
  • Hula hoop
  • Live online classes from sports studios, for example yoga, zumba, fitness
  • Home workout with YouTube videos

4. Maintain contact with other people

Due to the corona rules, only people from two households are currently allowed to come together. For your own well-being, however, it is important to maintain contact with family, friends and acquaintances. This works virtually for larger groups. The tips from Utopia readers:

  • Regular phone calls, voice messages or video conferences
  • Play online games together (including video call)
  • Do sports together by starting online sports videos at the same time
  • Sending letters or parcels – especially to people who are alone
  • Eat lunch or take a coffee break together via video call

5. Pursue old hobbies – or discover new ones

Learn to knit
How about learning to knit? (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Foundry)

What also helped many readers in the last lockdown: pursue hobbies for which there is little time in everyday life – or discover new hobbies:

  • Sewing, knitting, crocheting (learning to knit: tips and tricks for beginners)
  • Painting (painting by numbers, acrylic painting)
  • puzzle
  • Board games
  • Table tennis at the living room table
  • Knot carpet
  • Cooking and baking (trying new recipes)
  • Small cooking projects that take several days – fermenting, for example
  • Listen to podcasts

  • Participate in training courses and webinars (here are five free online training courses)

6. Decelerate

Meditation to fall asleep
A frequent tip from the Utopia community: enjoy the free time .. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Wokandapix)

The term “slow down” was particularly frequent in the comment columns. Many readers see the partial lockdown as a welcome opportunity to escape the stress of everyday life. You make yourself comfortable at home and spend the time like this, for example:

  • Reading (one user recommends the “Libby” and “Onleihe” apps for this. Anyone who has an account with a library can borrow eBooks and audio books free of charge)
  • Watch series and films (Recommended documentaries)
  • make music
  • Meditate (learn meditation: tips for beginners)
  • Enjoy the peace and quiet, sit by the window a lot

7. Take care of mental health

Make a list of all the habits that determine your everyday life and consider which ones you want to change.
Gratitude lists for more satisfaction (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Pexels)

Some of our readers have deliberately dealt with their emotions and their inner world in the past lockdown – and recommend that also for the coming weeks. Her tips can especially help people who suffer severely from isolation:

  • Make gratitude lists: make it clear what you have and how well you are
  • But also let out the frustration, allow yourself to be sad or lonely. Realize that you are not alone with these feelings.
  • Become aware of what is really important – such as health and family
  • Personality work: looking inside yourself to learn who you are and what you want.

Read more on Techzle.com:

  • Good resolution for the lockdown: switch to green electricity
  • Resilience: This is how you train your emotional resilience
  • 7 sustainable labels for autumn – from pullovers to jackets to boots


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