If you have an Android smartphone and Whatsapp, the WhatsApp backups will be in Google Drive. But those backups of your chat history, for example, will count towards your Google Drive storage limit in 2024.

Megan van der Wagt

For many years, Android users have been able to store their WhatsApp backups in Google Drive, for which you will find 10 tips for Google Drive here. Those backups do not count towards their storage limit. But that will probably change in the first half of 2024. For some users, this means they will have to pay for additional cloud storage with Google.

Free storage
If you create a Google account, you get a Gmail address and 15 GB of free online storage in Google Drive. For example, in Google Drive you can store your photos that are in Google Photos. WhatsApp backups are also stored on Google Drive, but are not included in the 15GB storage limit: Android users have therefore received ‘free storage’ in recent years. However, Google reports that WhatsApp backups will start moving from your storage in early 2024.

Through storage
Once you exceed 15GB, you will no longer be able to make backups of WhatsApp. That’s why Google recommends deleting old files. Once this change takes effect, you will receive a month’s notice to give you enough time to clean up your account.

Additional storage
The reason Google is doing this is probably to get more Google One subscribers. The cheapest Google One subscription now costs €1.99 per month for 100 GB. Google is also starting discount promotions, where you only pay € 0.49 (instead of € 1.99) for 100 GB for the first three months.
