Not only humans and animals can get sick. Plants also become infected with fungi, bacteria or viruses, which can make them permanently ill. As with any illness, it is a matter of recognizing and interpreting the symptoms early on. This way you can be sure that the plant will survive the disease. To identify symptoms, you should be aware of the most common plant diseases and their effects. This results in a more trained look, faster detection and the ability to save the plant.
Powdery mildew and downy mildew
Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that usually occurs in cucumbers, lettuce or roses. The fungus covers the entire outer shell of the plant. The white coverings, which are reminiscent of the consistency of cotton wool, are easy to recognize. They occur mainly on the upper side of the leaf, which is easy to see and check. But don’t jump to conclusions. Because often becomes the real powdery mildew confused with downy mildew. This is a disease that is associated with similar visual symptoms. However, downy mildew is not produced by the same pathogen as powdery mildew. A treatment must therefore be precisely tailored to the pathogen in order to obtain a quick and effective solution.
Eliminate soil pests as quickly as possible
Plants often suffer from attack by soil pests. Many people therefore resort to planting in flower pots as a safety measure. This prevents the attack of special soil pests, but cannot completely protect against infestation. If a plant is affected, it is important to protect it from the attacks as quickly as possible. Repotting is necessary.
To find the right flower pot for your plant, you should You at select the required dimensions and a corresponding depth. After the pest infestation, put the plant in the flower pot with completely new soil. It is necessary to completely remove the soil and wash the roots. Because this way you can be sure that repotting does not bring any eggs or larvae into the new living environment.
Leaf spot disease – how does it manifest itself?
Leaf spot disease can be recognized by the round circles on the infected leaves. Leaf spot disease is an image caused by fungi. If the pathogens enter the leaf, a circle is created that is clearly visible. Usually, however, the many different large circles are only limited by the leaf veins and the edges. The disease is identified by the fact that the spots formed are lighter than the rest of the leaf.
Recognize aphids
The most famous garden pests are aphids. They look for fresh, juicy leaves from the plants and suck them out. Here they are looking for proteins that they feed on. Then they secrete a sugary plant sap. You can recognize this by the sticky dots on the sheet. An aphid does not always have to sit on the leaves. The root lice also belongs to the aphids. As its name suggests, however, it positions itself at the roots in order to extract nutrients here.