Word: Create Labels (Word 2007)

In this article you can read how to create one or more labels in Word. Labels come in handy for all kinds of occasions, such as sending mail or labeling gifts. To print labels, you need printable label sheets. Well-known brands are Rank Xerox, Avery and Herma.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to create labels in Word 2007.

  • Do you have Word 2016? Then read the article ‘Word: creating labels (Word 2016)’.
  • Do you have Word 2013? Then read the article ‘Word: creating labels (Word 2013)’.
  • Do you have Word 2010? Then read the article ‘Word: creating labels (Word 2010)’.

To print an address on one label or the entire sheet of labels, do the following:

  • Open a blank document in Word.
  • Click on the tab Mailing Lists and then in the ‘Create’ group click labels.

Word: Create Labels (Word 2007)

In the “Address” box, do one of these:

  • To create address labels, enter an address. Or you edit an existing address, which you can insert via an address book icon HMW2010_6_icon address book.
  • If you also want to specify a sender’s address, select the Include sender check box and edit the sender’s address as needed.
  • If you are creating another type of label, such as a bookmark, type the text you want.

Then you can start printing the label:

In the “Print” box, do one of the following:

  1. To print a single address label, check A label at. Then type or select the row and column number of the label you want to print. This way you select which label of the label sheet the address will appear on.
  2. If you want to print the same data on every label in the label field, check Full page with the same label at. To customize a different label type, paper feed, and other options, click Options. Select the desired options and click OK.
  3. If your label type (found on the packaging of your labels) is not listed in the ‘Product number’ box, use one of the available labels. However, you can also click New click to create your own custom mailing labels.

To print the labels, load a sheet of labels into the printer and click Print. To save the label page for later editing or printing, click Save as.

If you want to print different addresses on a label sheet, there are several options. This way you can easily create one page with a number of different labels that you type in yourself. This goes like this:

  • Click on the tab Mailing Lists on labels.
  • click on Options.
  • Choose the printer type and supplier of the label sheets on which you want to print the labels. Under ‘Product number’, select the number that appears on the packaging of the label sheets and then click OK.

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  • Click in the dialog box Envelopes and Labels on New document.
  • A new label document opens.
  • Type the desired information on the labels you want to use. You can also insert pictures for labels or tags. Click on the at the top left office button and then on Print to print the labels.

Things get a little trickier if you want to print multiple pages with different labels. We will not go further into this. To learn more about this, search Word’s Help for “Create and print labels for large groups of recipients.”

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