With IFTTT you can do all kinds of fun and funny things, but let’s not forget that linking services together can also be very useful. Working from home with IFTTT is also recommended and can make your life a lot easier.
1 Lamps on when received mail
Are you a home worker and do you want to postpone the moment you get up until it is really necessary? This is possible with Hue lighting. Log in www.ifttt.com and click My Applets / New Applet. click on This and look up Gmail (or another mail service). Choose Any new email in inbox. click on That and look up Hue. Choose now Turn on lights and indicate which lamps this applies to. Now your lights turn on automatically when you receive mail and you know it is really time to wake up.
2 Send email after missed call
Did you still sleep and missed a call? Then you fall through the basket. In Android, you can catch that problem. Create a new applet, search for This Android and click Android Phone Call / Phone call missed from a specific number, after which you enter the telephone number of your employer / colleague. At That, you choose your email service and then you can specify exactly who the email will be sent to and what it should contain (for example: busy, I’ll call you back!).
Log your hours into a spreadsheet
It is important to keep track of your worked hours and that is very easy with an existing applet and your smartphone. Install the IFTTT app on your smartphone and search for Press a button. Select the app Press a button to track work hours in Google Drive and log in to Google Drive to allow IFTTT access. You will now be prompted to configure a widget. Press Go and add the widget for the applet you just created. You can now easily indicate when you start and stop working from your standby screen, and that is tracked in a spreadsheet in Google Drive.
Log phone calls into a spreadsheet
Tracking who you call is a hassle, but not with IFTTT. The bad news? This is only possible with an Android device. The good news, the applet has already been made for this. The applet is called Automatically log the calls you receive to your Android phone to a Google spreadsheet. Turn it on and pair it with your Android device and Google Drive. It will then automatically keep track of which telephone calls you have made, how long they took and so on.
5 Do not disturb
That widget that you can monitor your time with is super handy. You can use the same button to immediately indicate in your (shared) Google calendar that you will not be available for the next hour. Search in IFTTT on your smartphone Quickly block off and choose Quickly block off the next hour as Do Not Disturb. Enable the applet, sign in to Google to give it permission, then add the widget. Now you can block your Google calendar at the touch of a button.
6 Distraction
Working hard for a while is completely fine, but every now and then you also need some distraction. Music is nice, but you have heard that Spotify playlist after a while. With IFTTT and Google Play you ensure fresh, free music every day. Look up in IFTTT Get an email every day with a link to the latest Google Play Music free song. You will now receive an email every day with new free music. Configure the applet to select the desired time for the email.
7 Take a break
When you are busy at work, you sometimes forget to take a break. You can set an alarm, but you can wipe it away. This can be done more effectively with Hue lamps. For this recipe, choose This Date & Time and then for Every day of the week at. Choose the time when you want to take a break. Search for That now Hue and choose Color loop. When it’s lunchtime, your workplace turns into a half disco – and you shouldn’t just ignore that.
8 Let you know you’re gone
Just as you can indicate that you do not want to be disturbed, you can also indicate that you are not (just) present in the workplace. At This you choose (on your smartphone) Button widget at That you choose an e-mail service of your choice. Now compose an email saying that you are away from your workplace for a while, with your employer / colleagues as the addressee. If you have to leave quickly, send that email with the push of a button.
9 Thermostat off in absence
If you work at home and it gets a bit colder, you probably have the stove on. Chances are you will forget to turn it off when going outside. If you have a Nest thermostat, you can solve that with an existing applet. Look up in IFTTT When you exit a specific area set your Nest Thermostat to. Log in to your Nest account for access. Now indicate which temperature Nest should set and which area you have to leave exactly to start that process. Activate this applet and never fire for nothing again.
10 Reminder for important email
Do you have important email that you cannot reply to right now, but don’t want to forget it? It is very easy to create a reminder for yourself that you have to respond to certain emails. Choose this at This Gmail and click New starred email in inbox. At That you then choose Reminders (iOS) or for Google Calendar if you prefer to add a calendar item. The sender and subject are now automatically added as a reminder or calendar item when you star a message, and you are automatically reminded.
11 Sound louder in missed call
Turning off the sound of your smartphone is nice for concentration, but of course there are things that you should not miss. If you have an Android phone, this is easily resolved. The applet has already been created for you. Look up in IFTTT Automatically turn up the volume on your Android phone when you miss a call from a specific number. Turn on the applet and choose the number to which this recipe applies. Now when this person calls for the second time, the phone will just ring.
12 Important emails to Todoist
For some emails, it’s helpful to add an item to a to-do app, but of course not all. You can easily catch that with Gmail. To only add certain emails to your to-do list, choose This for Gmail and then click New starred email in inbox. At That, find your to-do app (we choose Todoist) and then click Create task. From now on, when you star an email in Gmail, it will be automatically added to Todoist (or the to-do app of your choice).
13 Google calendar to Todoist
Not only e-mails, but also appointments in your agenda can be automatically added to your to-do app (we again take Todoist as an example). In IFTTT, find the appropriate calendar service (iOS, Google, etc.) and then click Any new event added. You look up for That Todoist, after which you log in to your Todoist account for permission. click on Create task and click at Due date on Add ingredient and then Starts (the calendar item’s start time is now set as the deadline). All new appointments are now added to Todoist.
14 Automatically download attachments
With this tip, you never have to worry about throwing away an email before downloading the attachment. Look up in IFTTT Download attachments and click on the desired option (eg Automatically save your Gmail attachments to OneDrive). In this case, sign in to both Gmail and OneDrive for the required permission. Click on the gear icon to indicate in which folder you want to put the attachments and voilà , from now on all your attachments are safe.
15 Lights out, stop working
If you work from home, there is a risk that you sometimes go on too long. As with your break, you can set an alarm, but here too the Hue lamps offer a solution (especially in winter). Choose at This Date & Time and choose a daily time. At That, select Hue and indicate that the lights should be turned off. Nothing is more effective than suddenly sitting in the dark and realizing that it is time to stop.