Yoga for beginners: inside – these tips will get you started

yoga for beginners
Photo: CC0 / pixabay / Ataner007

Yoga is also suitable for beginners. Sport has a beneficial effect on body, mind and soul. These six tips will show you how to get started successfully.

Yoga is an Indian practice that is thousands of years old and consists of breathing techniques, physical exercises and meditation. The central goal of yoga is a better body awareness through more flexibility, endurance and strength. In addition, yoga should promote spiritual harmony, balance and self-love by focusing on the essentials.

In order for this to work out, yoga beginners should pay attention to the following tips.

1. Tip for yoga beginners: inside: Take it easy

Yoga beginners in particular can relax easily in the "child" position.
Yoga beginners in particular can relax easily in the “child” position. (Photo: CC0 / pixabay / StockSnap)

It’s never too late to start practicing yoga. Yoga is suitable for beginners of all ages and levels of fitness. There are no prerequisites for practicing yoga. It is only important that you get involved in the situation and observe how you feel about it. but: If you have chronic illnesses or problems with the musculoskeletal system, seek medical advice before beginning yoga. Perhaps there are movements for you personally that you shouldn’t be doing.

As a beginner, you should start slowly. Choose gentle positions and simple movements so as not to overwhelm yourself. Overly ambitious goals right from the start can frustrate and discourage you from practicing yoga on a regular basis.

Be careful and do not go further than your strength, condition and stretching allow. If a sequence of movements or postures is too difficult, choose an easier variation or take a break in the “child’s pose”. In this position you sit on or between your heels and lay your body over your legs. This pose is a wonderful way to relax and let go.

Once you’ve got a feel for the movements and want more, you can step up with more challenging poses. Don’t worry: these yoga exercises are also suitable for beginners.

2nd tip in yoga for beginners: inside: The most important thing is your breath!

Especially if you are a beginner in yoga, you should take the time to breathe properly.
Especially if you are a beginner in yoga, you should take the time to breathe properly. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / feelgoodjunkie)

The most essential element in yoga is breath. It will help you focus on the exercises and get deeper into stretches. In addition, your breath signals to you when it is too much for your body.

Yoga beginners in particular: it is difficult to remain mentally present during practice and not wander. By consciously focusing on your breath, you push other thoughts out of your head. So you can focus better and leave your everyday life with all your tasks and worries behind you. These are the most important yoga breathing techniques for beginners: indoor and advanced:

  • In the complete yoga breathing (ujjayi breathing) the throat is somewhat narrowed so that a faint rustling can be heard. In yoga for beginners, it is sufficient to inhale and exhale deeply and evenly through your nose. With each exhale, try to relax your muscles and let go more.
  • At the Ashtanga yoga (dynamic movement sequences) every movement with one breath connected. This creates a smooth flow.

In all exercises, only go so far that you can still breathe calmly and evenly. If you find it difficult to breathe, it is a sign that the exercise is too demanding.

3rd tip for yoga beginners: the right equipment

Yoga aids for beginners and advanced
Yoga aids for beginners and advanced learners (Photo: CC0 / pixabay / anja828)

In fact, you don’t really need any equipment to practice yoga – not even one Yoga M.atte. If you like it puristic, all you need is yourself and some space for your yoga class.

In order to avoid injuries, it is advisable for yoga beginners to use a non-slip mat (available for example from ** Glore or **Avocado Store). When practicing, you should wear sports clothing in which you feel comfortable and can move around easily. It should therefore not be too tight and constricting. But don’t choose clothes that are too fluttering and tangled in. It is best to practice barefoot or at least wear non-slip socks. This will give you a better grip during the exercises.

You can find more information here: Yoga accessories: This is what you need for training.

4. Tip for yoga beginners: Attend a beginners course

Attend a yoga class for beginners to learn the exercises in a way that is easy on the body.
Attend a yoga class for beginners to learn the exercises in a way that is easy on the body. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / janeb13)

For yoga beginners in particular, it is advisable to take part in a beginner’s course. Find out about the yoga studio or the yoga teachers so that you know what kind of yoga is practiced there. In yoga for beginners: you will learn basic movement sequences (for example the Sun salutation) and you learn how to hold certain positions. Practicing together in a group is fun and the: the yoga teacher: can correct your postures.

by the way: There are also online yoga classes. That means you don’t have to leave your home and still have professional guidance. Of course, you can also practice yoga independently at home. Use video instructions or let your creativity run free and design your yoga class yourself.

5. Yoga tip for beginners: Yoga is not a competition

Yoga helps you accept yourself.
Yoga helps you accept yourself. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / mohamed_hassan)

In yoga, you take time for yourself. You don’t have to meet expectations or please someone. It doesn’t matter how you look in a pose, how advanced it is, or how long you hold it. What matters is how you feel.

As a yoga beginner, do not compare yourself to others inside, but concentrate on yourself. Always be mindful and loving to yourself and get out of the pose if it gets too much. With this approach, yoga can help you accept yourself for who you are. For internalization, yoga beginners can say a mantra (saying) inside during the yoga class. For example: “I am right, just the way I am” or “I am good enough”.

6th tip for yoga beginners: regularity before intensity

It is especially important as a beginner to yoga that you develop a routine.
It is especially important as a beginner to yoga that you develop a routine. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Valerii77)

When doing yoga for beginners, it is important to develop a yoga routine. Plan enough time on these days, for example in the morning. This way you start the day in good shape and don’t have to remember to practice later. Your yoga session doesn’t have to be long and intense.

If you do too much and don’t enjoy yourself, you will find it difficult to get back on the mat. Better to do shorter and simpler sequences, several times a week. Practicing for 15 to 30 minutes on a regular basis works wonders.

The philosophy behind yoga

Yoga is not a religion, but a way of life that focuses on positivity and serenity. You can practice yoga more on the physical level to become stronger and more flexible, or you can put the spiritual aspects in the foreground.

When stress and Pressure to perform increase in everyday life, yoga is a wonderful balance. The holistic approach helps to reduce physical or emotional complaints and to find a fitter, healthier and happier self. This is how yoga is supposed to fight depression, sleep disorders, High blood pressure and obesity help. A scientific one study proves the health-promoting effects of yoga.

You see: Yoga is definitely suitable for beginners: indoors and can improve your quality of life. Give it a try!

Read more on Utopia:

  • From mats to leggings: 10 sustainable yoga labels
  • Yoga mat and yoga clothing: what to look out for
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  • Relaxation exercises: These techniques slow down


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