7 tips to combat online bullying

Fighting online bullying can be difficult, but with these tips you will at least ensure that the consequences are limited.

Fight online bullying

In the past, bullying mainly took place at and around school. As a result, children usually had peace at home. Nowadays there is more and more bullying online and that continues all day long. Via app groups, games, social media and more.

First of all, we want to say that the problem is not with you, but with the bully. Still, you can do things to prevent and stop bullying. Here are some tips to keep online bullying from getting out of hand.

1. Private data for yourself to keep

The most important thing is to keep your personal information such as your email address, your TikTok account and so on private. You only share this information with friends you really trust. You only keep passwords to yourself.

2. Think carefully about what you share

Anything you share online can be used against you. This can be photos and videos that you post on social media such as Instagram and TikTok, but also things that you share via WhatsApp. So only share things with people you trust, and protect your social media so that not everyone can see what you post.

It’s also important to ask your friends if they don’t just want to share photos of you online. Make it a habit to get permission from each other before sharing images.

7 tips to combat online bullying

3. Change your accounts

Have bullies found your accounts and are you not getting rid of them? Then change your account name or create a completely new account where you only add the people you really trust. A new e-mail address is also created in no time.

4. Don’t respond

The purpose of bullying is usually to provoke a response. You get angry or sad and you say things that the bullies actually enjoy. Therefore, the best thing to do is not respond. You will often see the bullying stop on its own, because the bullies don’t get the response they hoped for.

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5. Block

If they continue, you can easily block other people in most online places. Then at least you no longer have to read what annoying things they say to you.

6. Keep everything

If you are bullied, it is wise to save everything that happens, for example by taking photos and screenshots. That can later be used as evidence to deal with the bullies.

Even if the harassment still seems harmless, it can pay to record evidence in advance. When things get out of hand later, you have clearly documented how it all started.

7. Talk about it

Talk to people you trust about what’s happening. Think of your parents, teachers, mentor or other counselors. Bullying can have a huge impact on your emotions and how you feel throughout the day. You don’t have to deal with that on your own. You can also go to the police together if things get out of hand.

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