Is your iCloud storage full? No worries! In this week’s iPhone tips, we’ll show you three ways to free up storage space in your iCloud!
Free up iCloud storage space in iOS 17
When your iCloud storage space becomes full, your iPhone will eventually no longer be backed up. New photos and videos are no longer uploaded, and it’s annoying that you constantly get a notification.
You can of course choose to upgrade and therefore pay a little more every month. But you can also keep that money in your pocket and free up some storage space. These iPhone tips will help you with that!
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1. Reduce the size of your iCloud backup
We start these iPhone tips with the iCloud backup. Of course, it’s fine to have an iCloud backup of your iPhone. But they often also contain backups of apps that you no longer use. You can disable that. Plus, you can delete old iCloud backups to free up storage space. We’ll show you how to do that.
Delete backup of old apps on your iPhone
- Open the Settings app, tap your name, then tap iCloud;
- Tap ‘Manage account storage’ then ‘Backups’;
- Disable an app you don’t want backed up;
- Tap Turn Off and repeat for any other apps.
Old iCloud backups of devices you no longer use are also an option. These backups remain available for 180 days after you turn off or stop using iCloud backup. You remove them as follows:
- Open the Settings app, tap your name, then tap iCloud;
- Tap ‘Manage account storage’ then ‘Backups’;
- Tap the name of the device you want to delete the backup from;
- Tap Turn Off and Delete from iCloud.
2. Check ‘Recommended for you’
The second solution of these iPhone tips is about the “Recommended for You” feature. This will help you check if there are any photos or large files that you may no longer need and that you can delete. You do this as follows:
- Open the Settings app, tap your name, then tap iCloud;
- Tap ‘Recommended for you’;
- Tap ‘Check your photos and videos’ to find duplicates;
- Tap ‘Check Large Files’ to find large files to delete.
Which options are visible depends on when you last went through them. If it was only recently, you will see it below under ‘Completed and deleted’.
3. Delete photos and videos in iCloud Photos
We conclude these iPhone tips by deleting photos iCloud Photos. That app uses iCloud storage space to keep all your photos and videos on your Apple devices up to date. You can delete photos and videos you no longer need from the Photos app on all devices. It goes like this:
- Open the Photos app and tap ‘Library’ at the bottom;
- Tap ‘All photos’ and then ‘Select’ at the top right;
- Select photos and/or videos you want to delete;
- Tap the trash can at the bottom right.
If you don’t use iCloud Photos, your camera roll is part of your iCloud backup. To check how much storage space it takes up, repeat the steps in tip 1. Photos will then be in the list of apps.
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