Hate on the Net: What you can do

Hate on the Net: What you can do
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / JESHOOTS-com

Maybe you too have been affected by hate online or noticed it as an outsider. We present four tips you can use to defend yourself against hate speech.

We encounter hate online first and foremost in social networks, where “hate speech” often occurs, i.e. expressions of hatred and violence against certain (groups of) people. This can be, for example, threats, insults or racist or discriminatory statements.

According to a forsa study, three quarters of Germans are affected by insults on the Internet, particularly in the 25 to 44 age group. According to a study by Campact and others involved, hate online can have negative effects such as emotional stress, anxiety and depression.

If you are affected by hate online, first try to remain calm. Unlike in real life, you usually do not know the users from the Internet personally. However, this circumstance means a significantly lower inhibition threshold on the part of the perpetrators. We give you four important tips that you, as a victim, can use to defend yourself against hate online.

Overcome hatred on the internet: Block the creators

If you encounter hate online, for example in the form of insults on social networks, you should take action. The first step is to block the author(s) of the comment. In this way you send a clear signal and make it clear to the person that you do not simply accept their actions.

At the same time, you also prevent being attacked by that person in the future. This measure will also help you gain some distance from the situation.

File a complaint against online hate

It is worth filing a complaint against hate speech.
It is worth filing a complaint against hate speech.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Utility_Inc)

You can also defend yourself against online hatred by filing a police report. By the way, you don’t necessarily have to go to a police station for this. Instead, the online police watch can be a contact point to draw attention to such crimes.

There you can also add screenshots of the crime as evidence. Keep in mind that not every ad is successful. According to the NDR, it is not always easy from a legal point of view to clearly distinguish between freedom of expression and punishable hate speech.

Formulate a counter-speech to hate online

If you are offended by hate comments online, it is best to seek support: Does the author or authors insult other people? Together with those affected and other allies, it is advisable to formulate a counter-speech in which you take a stand and show a clear attitude towards hate speech.

Remain as factual as possible in the counter-speech and ask for reputable sources and evidence for the claims of the hate comment authors. In the end, the goal here should be less about convincing the perpetrator or perpetrators. Instead, you position yourself clearly against defamation and discriminatory generalizations. In this way, you make this limit clear to the third party reading along.

Visit counseling centers against hate online

Telephone counseling can also help you deal with hate online.
Telephone counseling can also help you deal with hate online.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Vincent Weinbeer)

If you are affected by hate online, you should not deal with it alone, but seek help. These can be friends with whom you talk about what happened and process it in this way. In difficult cases and if insults from the internet cause you a lot of emotional stress, specialized counseling centers are the best choice.

The Berlin-based advice center HateAid is aimed specifically at those affected by digital violence. It offers you the opportunity to take advantage of professional advice in person, by telephone or by e-mail. The organization also supports those affected if they want to take civil action against online hatred. If necessary, HateAid will cover the costs for legal advice and representation as well as the costs of the court proceedings. This support is financed by penalties and money for pain and suffering, which those affected can donate to the counseling center.

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