Android 14: This is the codename of the Android version of 2023

Android 14: This is the codename of the Android version of 2023

Google uses an internal name for a new Android version every year. These code names are based on desserts, just like the older Android versions were given dessert names, such as Android KitKat and Android Pie. The codename for Android 14, the version that will be launched in 2023, is now also known. Bakers ready? Bake it!

Google and desserts

Starting with Android 10, Google got rid of the names with a dessert for Android versions that corresponded to the next letter in the alphabet. Android P or Android 9 Pie was the last version in this tradition and Android Q was renamed Android 10. According to Google, using a dessert name could cause confusion worldwide, and the name Android plus a version number is easier for everyone to understand.

Google still uses desserts internally. For example, Snow Cone was the icy nickname for Android 12 and Tiramisu for Android 13. The dessert name for Android 14 has now also surfaced. 9to5Google found the name in a piece of code in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and that name is ‘UpsideDownCake’. And that name again corresponds to the letter that is used for each Android version. For Android 14 that is the U, so Android U. The fact that the code name is known means that the development of Android 14 has started.

Android 14: This is the codename of the Android version of 2023

What is Upside Down Cake?

Upside Down Cake is a cake that consists of pineapple, cherries, butter and sugar. According to this website it is a traditional Antillean cake and the Upside Down Cake is baked upside down. Follow the steps below for a recipe. The result may be delivered to the Androidworld office.

These are all Android dessert names

Below is a list of all the dessert names Google has used for its Android versions both publicly and internally.

  • Android 1.5: Cupcake
  • Android 1.6: Donut
  • Android 2.0: Eclair
  • Android 2.2: Froyo
  • Android 2.3: Gingerbread
  • Android 3.0: Honeycomb
  • Android 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
  • Android 4.1: Jelly Bean
  • Android 4.4: KitKat
  • Android 5.0: Lollipop
  • Android 6.0: Marshmallow
  • Android 7.0: Nougat
  • Android 8.0: Oreo
  • Android 9: Pie
  • Android 10: Quince Tart
  • Android 11: Red Velvet Cake
  • Android 12: Snow Cone
  • Android 13: Tiramisu
  • Android 14: Updide Down Cake (not announced yet)

Which Android version do you have the best memories of? Which dessert do you like best? Let us know in the comments below this article.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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