Apple sells a huge number of iPhones, especially among Android users. The Macs and iPads are a bit quieter. These four things stand out in Apple’s Q3 2021 quarterly figures.
Apple quarterly figures for Q3 2021 announced
look out: The fiscal quarter does not coincide with the calendar quarter.
1. Increased turnover
It was a top quarter for Apple. The company’s total revenue grew to more than $81 billion. That is 36 percent more than in the same period last year. The biggest increase is in the iPhones. Almost half of the total turnover comes from selling smartphones.
The numbers in a row (in dollars):
- Total revenue: 81.4 billion
- iPhone revenue: 39.57 billion (+50 percent)
- iPad revenue: 7.37 billion (+ 12 percent)
- Mac revenue: 8.24 billion (+16 percent)
- Apple Watch and Home revenue: 8.78 billion (+34 percent)
- Turnover services: 17.49 billion (+ 33 percent)

2. Many Android Switchers
According to Tim Cook, the huge sales of iPhones are partly due to switchers. According to the CEO, a record number of people switched from Android to iPhone last quarter.
Unfortunately, Apple never mentions specific numbers, but the number of people getting started with an iPhone for the first time is said to be higher than ever before.
Of course, this is bad news for Google, the maker of android. To turn the tide, the company is working on an app that will make it easy for iPhone users to switch to Android. Apple has had such an app for much longer: Switch to iOS.
3. Changing of the Guard
Also striking: the turnover from Macs and iPads has grown relatively little. Together, Apple raised about $15 billion from selling computers and tablets. That is of course a gigantic number, but the ‘working from home effect’ seems to be slowly working out.
However, Apple has an ace up its sleeve. The turnover from wearables (Apple Watch and AirPods) and services is greater than ever. In fact, the company earned more from this last quarter than from selling Macs and iPads.
The services branch in particular is important to Apple. You can now take out all kinds of subscriptions with the company. From Apple TV Plus, Apple Music, to paid iCloud storage.
4. Warning
So these are peak times for Apple, but the company closed the presentation of the quarterly figures with a warning. The company believes it will run into production problems.
Apple expects it to be difficult, especially in September, to get enough parts for the iPhone and iPad. This can sometimes make the iPhone 13 series difficult to obtain. The successor to the iPhone 12 will probably be unveiled in September.
Without calling the animal by name, Apple is probably talking about chip shortages here. Almost all products of electronics run into this. Despite this, Apple is confident of double-digit growth again next quarter.
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