Apple will equip all Macs with Silicon chip by the end of 2022

Apple has already released several Macs with its own M1 chip, but the company also has plans for the coming year. This is what we can expect – according to a reliable source.

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These M1 Macs are coming soon

Apple announced last year that it was going to make the transition from Intel chips to its own chips in Mac(Book)s. The company has now equipped various devices with the M1 chip, which Tim Cook’s company makes itself. Think, for example, of the MacBook Pro and Air, iMac and the compact Mac mini, but the manufacturer is not ready yet.

Mark Gurman writes in his weekly newsletter that Apple plans to release new MacBook Pros with an M1X processor “in the coming months.” This is a faster version of original M1 chip. Soon after, the Cupertino company would release a new, faster Mac mini. A new and smaller Mac Pro with Apple Silicon is also planned. This device will be released sometime next year.

Gurman also mentions a new MacBook Air with support for MagSafe, and an update for the current Mac Pro. This still runs on Intel chips, but would be a bit faster due to a new cpu (the processor). All in all, this ensures that Apple has completely switched to its own chips before the end of next year, leaving Intel behind.

The advantages of the M1 chip

The M1 chip brings several advantages, for example when you look at the speed of the processor. The chip is considerably more powerful than most Intel competitors and can therefore, for example, run heavier apps more smoothly. The graphics processor of the M1 chip ensures good gaming performance.

Also nice: the M1 chip is very energy efficient. This means the battery lasts longer and you can work longer on your Mac without a charger. This is due to the so-called efficiency cores on the chip, which consume much less power. Ideal for when you’re on the road and, for example, forgot your charger, or when there’s no power outlet nearby.

Finally, the M1 chip – as we are used to from Apple. – completely tuned for macOS. This not only makes your MacBook more secure, but it can also launch applications very quickly. Finally, it is possible to run iPhone and iPad apps on a Mac.

Want to learn more about Apple’s first proprietary Mac chip? You can read a lot more about the M1 chip on iPhoned. For example, we answer frequently asked questions about Apple Silicon and we compared the M1 chip with the Intel chip.

MacBook Air with M1 chip review: big step for the Mac turns out great

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