Belgium will make ID and driving license available via app by 2023

Belgium will make ID and driving license available via app by 2023In Belgium, the government wants to create a digital wallet by 2023 with which the identity card, driving license and other official documents can be found. The system is being developed at the request of the EU, which expects member states to develop an electronic identity card.

Digital Wallet App

The Belgian Secretary of State for Digitization Mathieu Michel (MR) wants important documents to be usable in Belgium in an easy and digital way. On the newspaper The Importance Of Limburg he says that his country should have an app by 2023 that allows you to consult the identity card and driver’s license.

Belgium is making a budget of 50 million euros available for this and the system is partly at the request of the European Union, which wants member states to develop identity documents that are available electronically. Our southern neighbors therefore want to go one step further. “The digital wallet is necessary because we live in a complex state,” said Belgian State Secretary Michel. “The Belgian should not be a victim of the complexity of our government. That is why we need tools to simplify the lives of Belgians.”

The digital wallet should also provide access to other important official documents that can already be consulted via government websites. Think of the marriage certificate, but also of a visa that is obtained.

Belgium will make ID and driving license available via app by 2023
Image of the already existing Belgian app ‘Itsme’ with which you log in to government websites

Security chips

There is still uncertainty about the exact implementation and it is also not yet known how this app should work technically or which party will build it. It is certain that security will play an important role, because it concerns very sensitive information that is bundled in one app.

In the context of such critical information stored on smartphones, the direction of physical security chips in smartphones is often looked to. They are able to store the information in a protected environment, separate from the operation of the operating system. At the moment, however, smartphone manufacturers are still meeting behind the scenes about such a standard for security chips or ‘secure elements’. We expect this technology to be implemented in more smartphones soon.

It is not yet known whether it will also be a requirement for Belgians to use such a smartphone with a security chip for the digital wallet. But it already seems logical that the government will rely on the services of for authentication itsme. That is the Belgian alternative to our DigiD. What do you think? Do you think the Netherlands should also bundle all our important documents in one app? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this article.

If you want to learn more about driving in Belgium, International Drivers Association website is a good resource, where they cover all important topics and questions related to road regulations and etiquette, speed limits, renting cars and other useful tips.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld.

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