Biggest annoyance solved: this iPhone cable never gets troubled

It sometimes seems as if your iPhone cables are automatically tangled. But with this special cable that is really a thing of the past.

Biggest annoyance solved: this iPhone cable never gets troubled

Maybe you know it: the cables that you put in your bag in the morning to take with you are always tied again. If you only have one short cable that is not so bad, but with several it quickly becomes chaos.

Biggest annoyance solved: this iPhone cable never gets troubled

If you are looking for on the internet, you will find various tips to prevent the cable chaos. Some sites even recommend putting them in a toilet roll or securing them with a clothes peg. But admit: that looks a bit drowsy?

Magnetic cable from Buddi

That is why Buddi now has a handy solution. This special cable is a little magnetic. This makes it simply rolling up and stays in your bag fairly neatly. In addition, it also looks a lot nicer if you have the cable in your drawer or on your desk.

Buddi cable loose

However, it is not that the Buddi cable rolls up completely automatically. You still have to roll it up a bit before you put it away. Also nice: the cable is made of braided nylon and it has reinforced connectors. This has the advantage that the cable is less likely to be damaged.

The cable supports the extra fast charging of Apple. For this you must have an adapter that has that. With that you charge an iPhone 15 or iPhone 16 to fifty percent in about 30 minutes.

The cable has a USB-C connection on both sides. So you can use it for the iPhone 15 and higher. The cable can of course also be used for other devices with a USB-C connection. Older iPhones still have a lightning connection, so then you have to buy an adapter.

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