If you are a business owner, it means you should manage your company perfectly in order to achieve success and awareness. Since the global pandemic changed people’s lives in different spheres, business management is no exception.
Fortunately, one may find a large number of useful applications in the App Store with which this process would be easier. Thus, let’s consider what apps should be installed on mobile phones by businessmen.

Amy (x.ai)
Scheduling is an important action during business management. This is where Amy would be handy for every iPhone user. Although we can technically consider Amy as a mobile app, still, this is a useful robot assistant. Amy is able to step in where mobile equivalent Siri stops its operation. With Amy, the endless waste of time sending emails and scheduling will be simplified.
Scanner Application
There is no doubt that without scanning documents it is impossible to conduct business. What if we say that you can scan on iPhone without the need to look for or purchase a scanner machine? This becomes possible with the Scanner app.
With this tool, your device starts to be a small office. You are able to scan docs anytime and anywhere just by having your mobile phone in your pocket. Users have the possibility to easily process any document and convert that to the most popular formats, like TXT, PDF, and JPEG. No matter what types of docs should be scanned: passports, letters, IDs, bills, receipts, etcThe Scanner application will deal with everything.
With a scanner in your phone, you will surely boost your productivity. After a scan is ready, you will be able to share it as well as obtain scans from other users. Later, you can print scanned documents utilizing Wi-Fi printers. Also, after scanning, sending all materials via email will become possible.
Hiring is another important process of any businesses managing. Fiverr is the most suitable application in your App Store for this purpose. It represents itself as a marketplace for freelance talent. Here you will be able to hire low-cost assistance in the marketing and technology sphere.
Planning software is a necessary tool for competitive business owners. This information is according to the Small Business Administration of the USA. This is why planning applications should be on the mobile phones of users. Customers recommend the Wunderlist app. It is available for both Apple and Android.
QuickBooks GoPayments
There is no doubt that without selling there will not be a success for your business. Of a large number of apps for accounting, there is one that is surely worth your attention. QuickBooks GoPayment enables users to plug a free card reader into their device and record sales directly to QuickBooks.
Both small and large businesses make use of QuickBooks for accounting purposes nowadays. In case a user needs to take a credit card and his/her Internet connection is turned off for the store, he/she will have the possibility to scan a card. This application can be downloaded on your iPhone or Android devices.
One may forget about landlines when Flyp is installed on your device. This application enables users to possess several extensions that are all directed to their mobile phones. This, in its turn, allows users to organize how those calls are received and go to voicemail. Flyp is considered one of the most popular applications for business owners.
Scanner Pro and GoodReader
Are you among those business owners who should sign a large number of documents daily? Then, first, you or your assistant should have a scanner in your devices. Scanner Pro is a good alternative to ordinary scanner machines. It is like you have a desktop scanner in your phone. After the necessary documents are scanned, you can save them as PDF files and then edit docs in the Good Reader application.
Businesses managing is not as easy as it seems. Luckily, a lot of applications come to the rescue of users that can simplify this process. With their help, scheduling, hiring, selling, planning, calling, signing, scanning, etc. becomes faster and more efficient. Thus, in order to save your time for selection, you can install the discussed above apps on your device and boost your productivity today.