Cannabidiol / CBD – Effect and application at a glance

Cannabidiol / CBD – Effect and application at a glance

© Tinnakorn Jorruang, Getty Images

CBD – the three letters stand for the substance cannabidiol, which is obtained from the female hemp plant in addition to THC. Although the exact mechanism of action of cannabidiol has not yet been fully researched, the substance is said to be a miracle on many websites. Unlike THC, the cannabidiol it contains has no intoxicating effect. So it’s not psychoactive. But what exactly is cannabidiol and what effect can it have on the human body?

What is cannabidiol?

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is a natural phytocannabinoid extracted from the flowers and leaves of the female hemp plant. The highest concentration of cannabinoids is found in the pollen of the plant. For optimal extraction, the flowers are first dried after harvest. The extract is then obtained from the leaves and flowers by distillation. So far, scientists worldwide have identified more than 500 natural components in the hemp plant. About 100 of them are so-called cannabinoids.

The manufacturing process with the so-called subcritical CBD CO2 extraction is particularly gentle. The extraction process is safe and non-toxic. Because the extraction takes place at lower temperatures and pressure, the process has to be repeated several times. Due to the gentler process, the concentration of cannabidiol is very high and the valuable terpenes are preserved. Producing CBD with CO2 extraction requires a high level of expert knowledge. In addition, the method is very expensive. This usually affects the price of the product.

After extraction, cannabidiol is processed into various products

The most well-known dosage form of cannabidiol is the so-called CBD oil, which is available in many different concentrations. Very often 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 40 percent oils are available on the market. The extract from the female hemp plant is mixed with high-quality organic hemp oil for a good CBD oil. However, cannabidiol is also found in teas, chewing gum and various cosmetics. CBD oil is now also available for pets. The oils are said to alleviate numerous ailments in dogs or cats, such as constitutional problems, anxiety or pain. The oil that is mixed into the feed of pets is not suitable for humans.

The effects of CBD in the body

Cannabidiol can have very different effects in the body. This is due in no small part to the body’s endocannabinoid system. The substances contained in the various CBD products are very similar to certain endogenous messenger substances. They can therefore also fulfill the same function as the body’s messenger substances. Meanwhile it is positive effect of CBD proven in some clinical studies and there is already a drug that has approval in the USA and Europe. In general, cannabidiol has sedative, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects in humans. Furthermore, CBD can have anxiolytic, stress-relieving and antipsychotic effects. Migraine patients also report the very good effect against the symptoms.

It is being researched in various clinical studies worldwide

Research is now being carried out into the effectiveness of cannabidiol in many different areas. Due to the antioxidant properties, scientists assume that CBD could inhibit the growth of cancer. The possible benefits of CBD have also recently been tested in the latest Alzheimer’s studies.

Application and dosage forms of CBD

The most well-known dosage form of cannabidiol is the so-called CBD oil. The oil, available in various concentrations, is usually taken orally. The drops are placed under the tongue with the pipette. Drugs can be absorbed quickly through the mouth, just like natural active ingredients. The cannabidiol is absorbed by the oral mucosa and in this way gets into the organism very quickly. Which dosage is recommended cannot be generalized. Beginners should base the dose on their weight and the concentration of the oil. A low dose means 2 to 4 mg cannabidiol per 10 kg body weight. A medium dose is 7 to 8 mg. A high dose uses 14 to 16 mg of cannabidiol.

The easiest way to calculate the dosage is based on body weight

If an adult weighing 80 kg chooses a light dose, the dosage should be around 16 to 32 mg to start with. Assuming that a 30ml bottle contains 300mg of CBD, 1ml contains around 10mg. Commercially available pipettes take up about 1 ml. The daily amount is then the amount of about 3 filled pipettes. When dosing, always pay attention to the reaction of the body. If there are no symptoms, the dosage can be increased.

Overdosing on CBD usually has no negative effects

Of course, it is possible for CBD products to be overdosed through ignorance. Cannabidiol overdose has also been studied in the United States. In the so-called study called “Safety and side effects of cannabidiol‘ the subjects were given high doses of 1,500 mg every day. The reports show that the high dosage was well tolerated by all the people tested and did not cause any problems.

CBD Oil vs. Hemp Oil

Since cannabis is the Latin word for hemp, many people assume that hemp oil and CBD oil are the same or very similar. But this is not the case. Hemp oil is extracted from the male hemp plant in oil mills. The oil is cold-pressed in the mills. In this manufacturing process, the hemp seeds are gently pressed at below 40 °C. After extraction, the hemp oil is not refined and the special taste and valuable ingredients remain. Hemp oil is ideal for cold use. Organically produced hemp oil is very suitable for mixing with CBD.

Cannabidiol is extracted from the female cannabis plant

Looking at the type of plants and how the CBD is produced, the difference is immediately clear. Instead of the hemp seeds, cannabidiol is made from the flowers and leaves of the female plant. The cannabidiol is obtained with a very complex distillation process. Distillation uses heat and a vacuum. CBD is dissolved at temperatures of up to 165°C. Wax, fat and unwanted compounds only dissolve at even higher temperatures. The lower the temperature during the distillation of the CBD, the higher the quality of the ingredients in the distillate. Organic hemp oil, which is cold-pressed, is usually used to mix high-quality CBD oil.

Buying CBD oil – what to look out for?

The market for various products containing cannabidiol has grown significantly in recent years. In addition to the probably very popular CBD oils, you can find various capsules, tablets, liquids, extracts, teas, but also cosmetics and animal products in stores or on the Internet. So that you don’t lose track when buying the products, you should always pay attention to the following aspects. The leaflet or packaging will state how high the CBD and THC content of the product is. In order to be approved in Germany, the THC content must not exceed 0.2 percent. The growing area of ​​the hemp, the purity and the extraction process also indicate whether it is a good product. If you buy the products on the Internet, it can also be interesting to read the reviews from different buyers. Particularly cheap CBD oil is often very inferior. High-quality oils almost always come from organic production and in many cases cost between 50 and 60 euros per 10 ml.

Side effects and interactions of CBD

As with medicines or food, products and oils that contain CBD can of course also have side effects and interactions. This is simply because every person metabolizes or metabolizes cannabidiol differently in connection with drugs because the enzyme balance is very different. If the metabolism of the drugs is slower, the dosage can therefore be increased. Various effects such as dizziness, headaches, tiredness and drowsiness can also occur. Diarrhea is also possible if cannabidiol is not tolerated.

Despite possible side effects, cannabidiol is classified as harmless

The WHO has classified cannabidiol as safe and at the same time ruled out that taking cannabidiol can be addictive. The data available so far from the studies and investigations of the scientists also show a good safety profile. However, the proven safety profiles only apply to approved drugs and defined preparations of pharmaceutical quality. Only the drug Epidyolex is currently approved.

Who is CBD not suitable for?

Even if a good CBD oil is a purely herbal dietary supplement, which the legal requirements for herbal food supplements must hold, it is not the best solution for every person. For example, if you take a lot of painkillers, neuroleptics or anticoagulants, CBD can cause various interactions and also severe side effects. The CBD oil should then only be taken in consultation with the doctor. Cannabidiol is also not suitable for alcoholics or people with a damaged liver. Cannabidiol is also not particularly helpful for children and pregnant women. In pregnant women who take cannabidiol, it is possible that the CBD it contains increases the permeability of the placenta.


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