Cannabidiol promotes healing

Cannabidiol promotes healing

©, enecta

In the midst of hectic life, many people are looking for natural methods to promote their regeneration. A natural remedy that has been the focus of naturopaths and the media in recent years Cannabidiol (CBD). The non-psychoactive cannabinoid is touted as a miracle cure for stress, sleep disorders and pain. In this article you will find out to what extent these properties have been medically proven and how cannabidiol can potentially promote regeneration.

In naturopathy, healing promotion focuses on improving health and well-being. The use of natural remedies is usually preventive. Unlike medications, they don’t fight pathogens so much as they try to strengthen the immune system holistically. This holistic approach includes physical, psychological and social aspects. In connection with CBD and natural remedies, the promotion of healing has become particularly important in recent years. The cannabinoid is said to have anti-inflammatory and stress-reducing properties.

Cannabidiol (CBD) Basics

In summary, CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is extracted from the hemp plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not produce the intoxicating effects often associated with cannabis consumption. This is because CBD does not bind directly to cannabinoid receptors. The receptors are responsible for psychoactive effects in THC and other psychoactive cannabinoids. Due to their non-psychoactive effect, the products are freely available for sale in Germany. People aged 18 or over can purchase them online and in special hemp shops. Consuming CBD can be done on different bases. The most common consumption methods are…

  • CBD oils or tinctures, which are dripped under the tongue so that the product can be absorbed sublingually (quickly absorbed into the blood through the mucous membranes of the mouth and cheeks).
  • Capsules and pills that are taken similarly to other tablets and ensure easy and accurate dosing.
  • Edibles such as gummy bears, chocolate or drinks, which have a slower effect through the digestive tract.
  • Creams, ointments or oils containing CBD, which are applied to the skin and thereby enter the bloodstream.

Another consumption method is vaporizing CBD oils and flowers. Similar to joints containing THC, CBD can be absorbed through “smoking”. In addition to classic smoking of the plant, many consumers resort to special products for inhaling. The so-called vaporization enables a quick effect without combustion.

Endocannabinoid system and regeneration

One reason why many testimonials praise CBD as a miracle cure the use of natural remedies such as CBD products prefer is its connection with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). In summary, the system plays a key role in the regulation of various physiological processes. The consumption of cannabidiol can influence the system, which creates a certain healing effect:

  1. CBD interacts with the ECS, a regulatory network in the body. This supports homeostasis – the biological balance of building (anabolic) and breaking down (catabolic) processes.
  2. The ECS works with receptors (CB1 and CB2) such as endocannabinoids and enzymes.
  3. CBD affects the ECS by inhibiting the enzymes. The enzymes are responsible for breaking down endocannabinoids.
  4. Inhibiting the enzymes creates a higher level of endocannabinoids in the body. The endocannabinoids interact with receptors throughout the body and regulate sleep patterns, mood-related neurotransmitters, immune responses and inflammatory processes.
  5. CBD consumption therefore has a positive and supportive effect on the effectiveness of the endocannabinoids.

Overall, CBD influences endocannabinoids, which means they can affect a variety of physiological functions in the body. CBD does not have a direct pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory or stress-fighting effect, but it does support relaxation and immune defense in the ECS. In this way, the body’s regeneration can be promoted in an indirect way.

Using CBD for regeneration

If you want to test CBD products or take them permanently, you should discuss this with a doctor in advance. The over-the-counter availability of CBD does not mean that the remedy is safe for everyone without consultation. Medical advice should always be sought before using or consuming CBD. This is particularly true for people who regularly take medication. CBD can interact with certain medications, causing unpredictable effects:

“The effects of the medication can be weakened or increased, which can lead to potentially dangerous overdoses. This can also be seen from the existing studies on medical cannabis and CBD products, which are already available. (…) For example, an interaction with the “blood thinner” Marcumar and its generics is already known – i.e. with products with the same active ingredient composition but a different name. Consuming cannabis during Marcumar therapy may result in an increased risk of bleeding.”

Every health condition is unique, so professional advice is essential to minimize potential risks. If you decide to use hemp products, the following consumption restrictions should be observed and tested:

  • Dosage: The dosage of CBD should not be arbitrary. High-quality manufacturers refer to and provide information about responsible dosage in the product description. Beginners in particular should approach the products and start with small quantities. There are also different CBD contents. Here too, beginners should use lower levels.
  • Timing: When to take CBD depends on personal preferences. Some people prefer to use it in the evening to take advantage of the possible relaxing effects on sleep.

In order to optimally promote the endocannabinoid system and regeneration, it is also recommended to combine it with other methods. In addition to taking CBD, regenerative practices such as a healthy diet, adequate sleep and regular exercise can support healing.


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