For many, car insurance is quite expensive. It therefore pays to look for the cheapest provider, because from a sample of shows that there are very large differences between the cheapest and most expensive insurance policies.
Anyone who thought that the differences between the cheapest and the most expensive car insurance are a matter of a few euros per month, is wrong. Comparison site did a sample of 100,000 comparisons between different car insurance policies and came to a difference of €282 per year. This concerns the gap between the cheapest premium and the average premium of all car insurance policies. When one compares the cheapest and the most expensive car insurance, the difference is even €688 per year.
According to Amanda Bulthuis, the fact that there are such big differences is due to by roughly two things: “Firstly, every car insurer calculates the premium in a different way. They take into account your age, claim-free years, type of car and place of residence, but they all attach their own values ​​to this. The premium income must be sufficient to pay not only for claimed damages, but also for the costs incurred by the insurer for personnel and office buildings, for example.Car insurers that mainly focus on online services have considerably lower costs than traditional insurers with large office buildings That’s why you often see the lowest car insurance premiums with the smaller, online car insurance brands.”
With such differences you would say that quite a bit is switched to hunt for advantage, but that turns out to be disappointing. Only about 8 percent of the insured per year switch according to the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets. Undoubtedly, a significant proportion will simply forget to check whether the chosen insurance policy is the right one. Others who do think about looking for a better option, according to Bulthuis, sometimes want to be stopped for fear of worse conditions with a cheaper insurer. “If you only have third-party liability car insurance, the conditions are the same with almost all car insurers. You can choose cheaper car insurance with confidence. check how much deductible you pay and, for example, what about the reimbursement if you buy the car total loss drives. But these days you can immediately see that when you compare car insurance policies online.”
– Thanks for information from