Caution: This can aggravate allergies

Caution: This can aggravate allergies
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / cenczi

Many people struggle with allergies. There are a few factors that can cause allergies to get even worse. You can find out what these are here.

Almost 30 percent of Europeans know it: After contact with an actually harmless substance, the immune system overreacts – an allergic reaction occurs. This can vary depending on the type of allergy. Sometimes the eyes burn and water, the throat scratches, the nose runs, or the skin itches. Also shortness of breath, tiredness, diarrhea or headache can be symptoms of an allergy.

There are factors that can aggravate such allergic reactions. We will introduce you to what these are.

Pollen flight times: You should avoid these things

During periods of high pollen flight, smooth fabrics are better than fluffy ones.
During periods of high pollen flight, smooth fabrics are better than fluffy ones.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / StockSnap)

While most people long for warmer temperatures and more daylight, the approaching spring often brings with it increased symptoms for allergy sufferers. The reason: The pollen season is picking up speed.

During strong pollen flight times, the allergens can hardly be completely avoided. But you can still actively do something to prevent your symptoms from getting worse:

  • Switch to glasses: Soft contact lenses can absorb irritants from the air because they are particularly breathable. Pollen can get under the contact lenses with the tear fluid and irritate the eyes as a result. The result is burning, itching and increased tears. To avoid this, you can resort to glasses, switch to hard contact lenses, or try daily disposable lenses. Changing it every day prevents too much pollen from accumulating on the contact lens, which cannot be completely removed with contact lens cleaning.
  • Wash clothes and hair regularly: You bring pollen into the house from outside and spread it on clothing, bedding and other textiles. You should therefore wash them regularly at 60 degrees. Pollen also likes to get caught in the hair. It’s a good idea to take a shower in the evening so you can get into a pollen-free bed pollen-free and wake up in the morning without an allergic reaction.
  • Avoid fluffy clothing: In cozy clothes made of wool, mohair or cashmere allergenic substances can settle particularly well. Since these fabrics are washed less frequently, the pollen cannot be removed either. That’s why you should switch to clothes made of smooth and easily washable fabrics, such as cotton, when the pollen season is high. A is recommended for this ecological detergent.

Stress can make allergies worse

The train is cancelled, the deadline at work is approaching, free time is full of appointments, relationship problems: there are many stressful situations in everyday life. Some allergy sufferers may notice that their symptoms intensify in such situations.

Science can also confirm this: According to Harvard Health Publishing, there is a connection between stress and increased allergic reactions. The effect of stress is both psychological and physical. For one thing, stress can increase the emotional response to symptoms. When people are under stress, they are more likely to feel that their health is not doing well. This makes them more aware of their symptoms.

On the other hand, stress hormones can intensify the already exaggerated reaction of the immune system to allergens. A study from Japan provides information on exactly how stress hormones work in relation to allergies. Scientists found that a stress hormone can proliferate the cells that trigger nasal allergies.

Here it helps recognize symptoms of stress and to look for ways and means to relieve stress.

Alcohol and allergies are not a good combination

Red wine is not a good idea for allergies due to the high histamine content.
Red wine is not a good idea for allergies due to the high histamine content.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Pexels)

Allergy sufferers should be particularly careful when drinking alcoholic beverages, as alcohol can aggravate allergic reactions. On the one hand, this is because alcohol makes the mucous membranes more permeable. Allergens can get into the blood more easily and worsen the symptoms.

On the other hand, alcohol contains histamines. Histamine is an allergen that can not only trigger but also worsen allergic reactions when alcohol consumption increases histamine levels in the body. Red wine contains a particularly large amount of histamine.

Not scented at all: Why you should avoid scented candles if you have allergies

According to pharmacy knowledge, scented candles consist of up to 90 percent allergenic substances. The risk is for people with contact allergy particularly high for candles containing paraffin.

Candles containing paraffin release irritating substances when burned, which can settle on the skin or enter the respiratory tract and cause allergic reactions there. For allergy sufferers who do not want to do without scented candles, we recommend alternatives made from bee or soy wax or rapeseed oil. This is also a better choice from an environmental point of view, since paraffin is a by-product of petroleum production. You can find out where to get more sustainable candles at Candle Guide read.


  • Free pollen count apps: Help for allergy sufferers
  • House dust allergy: symptoms, cause and what you can do
  • Cross Allergy: Types, Symptoms, and What You Can Do


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