CDA wants minimum number of driving lessons

CDA wants minimum number of driving lessons

The CDA advocates the introduction of a minimum number of driving lessons before someone is allowed to take an exam. This should, among other things, improve road safety.

Currently in the Netherlands it is not mandatory to take a certain number of driving lessons before you can take a driving test. In theory, you can even try to drive straight away, provided a driving school registers you for an exam. In practice, many driving schools will of course only give up for a practical exam after you have studied with them for a while (and therefore have yielded something) and if they have confidence that you will really pass. The latter is also important for the success rate of a driving school.

Nevertheless, short teaching trajectories are also regularly encouraged. Attractive for those who want to quickly try to get their driver’s license. In practice, it would contribute to 3,000 prematurely interrupted practical exams every year because the candidate is driving too dangerously, reports One today. The same medium states that the CDA member of parliament Jacco Geurts heard about this number at the CBR and that this is why he argues in the House of Representatives for a minimum number of driving lessons of between 15 and 30 hours. Experts would then have to determine which minimum is the most realistic.

Such an obligation should not only benefit safety – some do get the pink pass despite minimal teaching experience – but also contribute to more space at the CBR. This has been struggling for quite some time with huge waiting times for practical exams. People who are (far) not ready for it, can therefore also miss the CBR in that regard.

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