Cistus tea: home remedies for flu infections

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Hans

Cistus tea is primarily intended to help with influenza infections and to prevent it. Read here what science says about it and how you make tea.

The genus of rockrose family comprises around 20 species. The strongly branched shrubs are particularly striking because of their simple yet impressive flowers. The color of the wrinkled flowers varies from white to pink to purple.

Cretan rock rose is mostly used for health-promoting rock rose tea. Contrary to what its name suggests, it is not only widespread in Crete, but throughout the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands. Cistus tea is also called cistus tea.

As the Medicinal plant works and how you can benefit from rock rose tea, we have summarized for you in this article.

This is how rock tea works

Cistus tea has a strong antibacterial and antiviral effect.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / dungthuyvunguyen)
Cistus tea has a strong antibacterial and antiviral effect.

The delicate blossom was already valued as a medicinal plant in ancient times. Today the rock rose is used worldwide and its effects have also been scientifically well researched.

Cistus tea is full of valuable ingredients that can support the human organism in various ways:

  • The plant has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties. You can use cistus tea to prevent diseases and treat existing infections. A randomized one study with the placebo control group was able to demonstrate that the symptoms of the group treated with rock rose tea improved significantly faster.
  • The contained Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals and support him with cell renewal, one of them study from 2018. The fabric also reduces oxidative stress.
  • The rock rose is also said to reduce heavy metal storage and pollution. In a investigation smokers were given cistus tea twice an day on an empty stomach. After four weeks, cadmium levels in both urine and blood decreased significantly. This is not only interesting for smokers: Cadmium is also hidden in green leafy vegetables such as spinach or lettuce.

Cistus tea for flu infections

The leaves of the rock rose help with flu infections.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / 2017343)
The leaves of the rock rose help with flu infections.

Especially with Colds Cistus tea is an effective medicinal plant remedy:

  • For prevention: “The large-molecular plant extract from the rock rose intercepts viruses in advance so that, if possible, they cannot even enter the body,” said Professor Planz from the University of Tübingen Paracelsus. The active ingredients of rock rose create a protective film in the throat. This is where most viruses and bacteria penetrate our organism. However, the film is destroyed by food. It is therefore advisable to consume rock tea several times a day during the flu period (or during the corona period). The extract of the rock rose can according to plant Depending on the virus strain, it may be up to 100 times more effective than antiviral neuraminidase inhibitors used to prevent and treat an influenza infection.
  • For treatment: “The effectiveness of Cystus 052 is comparably strong for viral and bacterial pathogens. While a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract generally resolves on its own after ten days, this happens with cystus 052 from the third day and has subsided completely after five to six days. Even with bacterial infections, which generally heal after about 14 days without treatment, the duration of the illness is halved. The effect of this rock rose species is independent of the causative agents of the infections, ”said Prof. Holger Kiesewetter from the Institute for Transfusion Medicine at the Charité Berlin, who carried out the above-mentioned study.

In addition to rock tea, you can also purchase other medicinal products, such as lozenges, from the pharmacy. Cistus tea has compared to many other medicines no side effects.

This is how you prepare rock rose tea

For rock tea you use the petals of the plant. The preparation is very easy.

This is how the preparation works:

  • Pour about 250 tablespoons of hot water over a tablespoon of the dried petals.
  • Let the tea steep for five to ten minutes.
  • Then remove the petals.

Cistus tea has a very intense taste. If you don’t like the taste, you can easily mix the tea with other types of tea. Rosehip tea or ginger tea are particularly suitable for this.

In addition to flu infections, tea is traditionally also used for indigestion. You can use it externally with the help of envelopes for inflammatory skin diseases such as Neurodermatitis or apply acne.


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