Convert PowerPoint presentation to Google Presentation

Convert PowerPoint presentation to Google Presentation

PowerPoint has long since lost its monopoly as a presentation maker. A Google presentation is free and you don’t have to worry about how it will be saved. How can you convert a PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides?

Upload to Google Slides

First open Google Drive in your browser and click on the button there New† Then select the option Google Slides / Blank Presentation† In the empty presentation you use the menu File / Open† the window To open consists of five tabs, choose the tab upload† In this upload window, navigate to the ppt or pptx file on your hard drive. It’s even easier to drag the file into this window.

The presentation will then open in Google Slides. The name of the slideshow is the name of the PowerPoint filebut you can change that name by clicking on it.

Drag the PowerPoint file into the upload window.

Import slides

Another way is to import the PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides. This way of working has the advantage that you only have to select the individual slides that you really need. From the main Google Slides screen, choose File / Import Slides† Again comes the tab upload† There you drag the PowerPoint file again.

You will then be asked whether you want to import all slides or whether you only need certain slides. Then select the thumbnails of the slides you want to transfer. When you have made your choice, click on Import slides† The result is a nameless file.

Open with right mouse button

Finally, you can convert a PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides by simply uploading the file to Google Drive and converting it right there. On the main Google Drive page, click New and choose upload file† After the file is uploaded to Google Drive, right click on it and choose Open with / Google Slides†

An important difference from previous methods is that the file now opens in Google Slides, while it remains a PowerPoint file. You can then save it as a Google Slides file via the menu File / Save As†

Right-click in Google Drive to open the PowerPoint file with Google Slides.

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