Cordless plug for electric car is a Dutch invention

Safety first

Cordless plug for electric car is a Dutch invention sounds totally illogical to develop a plug for electric or plug-in hybrid cars without a cord. Nevertheless, the Dutch company did. And with success: the smart piece of technology is now being supplied to about fifty countries. But why?

We are talking about the Emergency Plug, an invention of the Dutch company Total Safety Solutions that the AD writes about. The name of the company behind the Emergency Plug may already indicate that we are not dealing here with a plug that is used for charging cars, but that the smart plug has to do with the safety aspect of EVs or plug-ins that be involved in an accident.

An electric car involved in an accident is often still in D or reverse shortly after the accident. Emergency workers can use the Emergency Plug to quickly create the safest possible situation. This can completely switch off the EV in a few seconds and prevents the car from unexpectedly driving forwards or backwards. The power supply is not switched off by the ingenious plug, but it should be possible to make the car voltage-free with the help of the Emergency Plug more safely.

How it works? According to inventors Ralf Adams and Jan Wijnans of Total Safety Solutions, an electric car with the Emergency Plug inserted thinks it is connected to a charging station. The car’s software takes it out of D or R and, in many cases, also applies the electronic handbrake. A light signal on the plug indicates whether this has been successful. According to the founders, the Safety Plug is now available in almost all European countries, but also in countries such as Brazil, Canada, Japan, South Korea and the United States. The Emergency Plug is compatible with all types of charging connections.


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