Currency converter: how much is it in euros?

Currency converter: how much is it in euros?

Are you in a country with a different currency or are you buying something online in a different currency? Then quickly convert the amount to euros with these tools.

Of course you can use the calculator on your phone if you know the exchange rate by heart. But that is quite cumbersome and you should have a good idea of ​​the value of the foreign currency.

It can also be more convenient, for example in the following ways:

  • Ask Siri, the voice assistant on the iPhone. For example, if Siri is on, say, “Hey Siri, how much is $100 in euros?” Siri then answers.
  • Ask Google Assistant, the voice assistant on Android devices. Press the Start button for 2 seconds and ask your question. Google Assistant answers.
  • Look it up on the internet. On the website The latest exchange rates and a handy converter are available.
  • Use an app. There are all kinds of apps available that convert currencies. A popular app for the iPhone is currency. For Android phones there is, among other things, the app Easy currency conversion. These free apps do contain ads.

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