Delete your Twitter account as soon as possible: this is how you do it

Are you really fed up with Twitter and do you want to delete your account? iPhoned show you the fastest way to do that!

Delete Twitter account via the app

Twitter is fun, but we get it when you get tired of it. But then what? We won’t let it grow: below you can read how you can cancel your Twitter account as quickly as possible on your iPhone, MacBook and PC.

Step-by-step plan to delete your Twitter account via the app on iPhone

  1. Open the Twitter app on your iPhone and tap your profile picture;

  2. Tap ‘Settings and support’ and choose ‘Settings and privacy’;

  3. Choose ‘Your account’ and ‘Deactivate your account’;

  4. Scroll down and tap ‘Deactivate’;

  5. Enter your password, tap ‘Deactivate’ and choose ‘Yes, deactivate’.

Delete your Twitter account as soon as possible: this is how you do it

Deactivate Twitter via the website (on Mac and PC)

To deactivate your Twitter account via the website, the steps are slightly different. Tap “More > Settings & Support > Settings & Privacy” on the left. Then choose ‘Your account > Deactivate your account’. Tap ‘Deactivate’ and enter your password.

After deactivation, you can reactivate your account for another 30 days. Do you really want to be sure to delete your Twitter account? Then you have to make sure that you do not accidentally log in.

Download Twitter account

If you have had a Twitter account for a while, there are of course a lot of your photos on it. Do you want to download all those files first so that you have a copy? Which can! But then you have to do that before deactivating your Twitter account. To download the data, perform the following steps.

  • In the Twitter app, tap your profile picture;
  • Go to ‘Settings and support’ and choose ‘Settings and privacy’;
  • Tap ‘Your account’ and ‘Download an archive of your data’;
  • If necessary, log in with your details and choose ‘Request archive’.
request twitter archive

On the Twitter website, the steps are slightly different. Choose ‘More > Settings and support > Settings and privacy’. Then click on ‘Your account > Download archive of your data’. Log in with your details when prompted and choose ‘Request archive’.

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