Disney Plus will become much more expensive (and will receive a subscription with advertising)

Disney Plus is getting more expensive and going up in price considerably. At the moment, the plans are only for America, but the rest of the world will eventually have to believe them. iPhoned tells exactly what Disney is planning.

It’s been coming for a while, of course, but now Disney Plus really has officially confirmed that they are going to make their streaming service more expensive. It has also been announced when this will happen.

Disney Plus will become significantly more expensive on December 8, 2022. In addition, there will also be a cheaper subscription with advertising. At the moment, the new subscription forms only apply to America, but Disney has already indicated that they will become more expensive worldwide in 2023.

disney plus review update

The price of a Disney Plus subscription in America will increase from $ 7.99 to $ 10.99 per month. That is an increase of almost 40 percent. The subscription with advertising will soon get the old price: $ 7.99 per month.

When we project this information to the prices of Disney Plus in the Netherlands, the streaming service becomes considerably more expensive here too. The standard subscription now costs 8.99 euros per month. That will probably be the price of the subscription with advertising. The price for the regular subscription will probably go up to 11.99 euros.

Netflix is ​​also getting commercials

Incidentally, Disney Plus is not the only streaming service that will come with new subscriptions. Netflix has also already indicated that it is working on a subscription form with advertising.

The arrival of a cheaper Netflix subscription with advertising is not very surprising, by the way. The streaming service is not doing very well and the number of subscribers is falling. According to the company, this is because too many people are sharing their accounts – which is obviously not the intention.

Share Netflix account

Grab your chance now for the price increase

Unfortunately, we do not yet know exactly when Disney Plus will also become more expensive for the Netherlands. That’s why we say: grab your chance while you still can to enjoy all the well-known Star Wars movies, Marvel blockbusters and well-known Disney classics without advertising at the regular price.

View the Disney Plus subscriptions here

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