Dry throat: The most effective home remedies

dry throat
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / LUM3N

Does your dry throat bother you day and night? That’s over now: we’ll tell you which home remedies you can use to combat a dry cough and difficulty swallowing.

Home remedies: drink a lot against a dry throat

Herbal teas have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve swallowing difficulties and sore throats.
Herbal teas have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve swallowing difficulties and sore throats.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / congerdesign)

A dry throat is often the first sign of a cold. However, sometimes it can also indicate dehydration – meaning you’re not drinking enough water. Now it is important that you drink a lot of fluids.

Warm drinks like tea are best. Teas made from sage, thyme or eucalyptus are particularly good for your dry throat. They have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the mucous membrane.

You can easily make eucalyptus tea yourself:

  • Boil 250 milliliters of water and add 5 grams of dried eucalyptus leaves.
  • Let the tea steep for ten minutes.
  • Pour it through a sieve and your homemade eucalyptus tea is ready.

Tip: You can often find eucalyptus leaves in health food stores or health food stores. You can also plant eucalyptus yourself.

Relieve cough with honey, lemon and apple cider vinegar

Hot lemon with honey helps against a dry throat.
Hot lemon with honey helps against a dry throat.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / onefox)
  • Hot milk with honey is the most popular home remedy for a sore throat. Because it is moisturizing and antibacterial, honey fights the symptoms of a dry throat. However, this recipe is not vegan. Make sure you use locally grown honey.

  • You can easily make hot lemon yourself. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice in a glass. Then pour 250 milliliters of hot water over it and stir until the honey has dissolved. Hot lemon is high in vitamin C, which helps your body fight off pathogens.

  • A little apple cider vinegar in hot tea is the easiest remedy for a sore, dry throat. The vinegar has an antibacterial effect and helps to balance the pH balance in the mouth. It also ensures that the oral cavity is well moistened. You can also easily make this home remedy yourself: Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water, stir everything well and drink the mixture twice a day. So swallowing problems no longer stand a chance. By the way: You can also make apple cider vinegar yourself.

Salt water for a dry throat

Gargling with salt water helps relieve a sore throat and difficulty swallowing.
Gargling with salt water helps relieve a sore throat and difficulty swallowing.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / onefox)

If you suffer from a dry throat, you may also suffer from a sore throat. Gargling with salt water is an effective way to combat these. The salt contained fights bacteria and therefore helps to eliminate infections. It also keeps your mouth moist and has an expectorant effect. Warm salt water relieves your pain even better and has a soothing effect on a dry throat.

A salt water solution is made quickly:

  • Add half a teaspoon of salt to a cup of lukewarm water.
  • Stir the mixture well until the salt has completely dissolved.
  • Gargle the solution for a few seconds, then spit it all out.
  • Repeat at regular intervals until you get rid of your sore throat.

Dry throat: compress against swallowing difficulties and sore throat

Neck wraps with quark have a pain-relieving effect on sore throats and coughs.
Neck wraps with quark have a pain-relieving effect on sore throats and coughs.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / EME)

Warming and cooling wraps are a blessing for your dry throat. Just note that you only use the wrap for as long as is comfortable. Cool neck wraps reduce inflammation – which is why you can use them to treat swallowing difficulties. Warm neck wraps stimulate blood circulation and have a relaxing effect, especially when you have a dry cough.

  • For warm neck wraps, moisten a cloth with warm tea and wrap it around your neck. Chamomile, thyme and sage tea are particularly suitable here. So that the wrap does not cool down too quickly, you now wrap a second cloth or scarf around your neck. Remove the cold wrap after about 30 to 45 minutes and repeat the process several times a day as needed.
  • Cooling quark wraps help particularly well with acute sore throats. To do this, spread the cold quark on a cloth and fold it over once so that there is a layer of fabric between the skin and the quark. Now you fasten the wrap again with a scarf around your neck.

Decide for yourself whether heat or cold will help you better.

Sleep peacefully at night with high humidity

Good sleep is important for your throat to recover quickly. Unfortunately, your dry throat often keeps you from sleeping at night. A humidifier can be helpful here.

Tip for the winter: As a cheaper and energy-saving alternative, you can also fill a deep pot with warm water and place it near a heater. When the water heats up, the air in the room automatically becomes more humid.

Read more on Utopia:

  • Home remedies for a dry cough: These tips work quickly and safely
  • Simply make natural cough syrup yourself
  • Make onion tea yourself: Quick help for colds
  • If it scratches your throat: home remedies for tonsillitis

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