Edge Chromium Extensions: Is Google Chrome Really Safer?

Screenshots Microsoft Edge.

Extensions can be downloaded for both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Chromium. For Edge Chromium, for example, you can get it from the Chrome Web Store, but Google recently released the message that the company advises against it. Why did Google say this and is it still so?

When you recently went to the Chrome Web Store in the new Microsoft Edge browser, you received the message that Google recommends that the extensions, with additional functionality, be downloaded only for Google Chrome. Unfortunately, Google did not say at the time why that message disappeared, but the company has now explained it. The reason the notification appeared is because Edge does not support Google’s Safe Browsing Feature. When a rogue extension shows up in the Chrome Web Store, Google can remove it from the Chrome browser, but not from Microsoft’s browser.

Google Chrome vs. Microsoft Edge

It is not surprising that Google displays the notification. This is not only to bully Microsoft. In February 2020, the company announced that about 500 rogue extensions had been found in the Chrome Web Store. They were taken from the Web Store and removed from many browsers of users – remotely. This allows users’ computers to remain safe. Google may not have the same when it comes to the new Microsoft Edge browser. So it seems to go for a legitimate reason.

Meanwhile, Microsoft also warns in its own browser about extensions that you get from the Chrome Web Store. Of course, Microsoft prefers to see you get the extensions from its web store.

At the time of writing, Google will no longer show the warning when you try to add a Chrome Web Store extension to your Microsoft Edge browser. Unfortunately, it has not been announced why this report has suddenly disappeared. It is striking that the message never came on screen with other browsers that are built on the basis of Chromium, such as Opera. Whether it is only related to the safety of users is therefore unclear.

It is not the first time that Google wants to make its own browser appear superior to Microsoft Edge. Some search engine giant web services don’t work well in Edge, such as Google Stadia game streaming service. You may also see warnings when you open Gmail, YouTube or other services in Microsoft’s browser.


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