Electric cars outsold diesel cars in Europe in December. This is the conclusion reached by the generally well-informed market analyst Matthias Schmidt.
Pure electric cars are rapidly gaining market share in Europe. Meanwhile, diesel cars are disappearing more and more from the sales figures. In December, according to Matthias Schmidt of Schmidt Automotive reached a Europe-wide tipping point for the first time. That reports the Financial Times. Looking at 18 countries, including the United Kingdom that has split from the EU, the share of fully electric cars in December stood at more than 20 percent. Cars with a diesel engine (including plug-in hybrids) were stuck at just 19 percent.
It goes fast, because in October last year, hybrid drive for the first time passed diesel in Europe. Now also purely electric. In December, it also emerged that electric drive is already the most popular in Europe when it comes to medium-sized SUVs. Incidentally, the market share of electric cars in the Netherlands last year was also almost a fifth: 19.8 percent to be precise. Unfortunately, it is not (yet) known how many new cars sold here in 2021 had a diesel engine under the hood. In 2020, diesel cars only accounted for 3.6 percent of the market share. The turning point in the sales numbers of fully electric versus diesel was already reached here in the Netherlands in 2019.
– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl