If the doctor notices elevated cholesterol levels, this initially causes concern. But statins – i.e. tablets – don’t always have to be necessary. The right diet can make a big difference.
Cholesterol – most people probably associate this term with something negative. The substance is important for various functions in the body: for example, it plays a role in the stability of cells, hormone production and brain function.
But not all cholesterol is the same: a distinction is made between “good” HDL cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol. If elevated cholesterol levels are a concern, then it’s about LDL cholesterol.
“Good” and “bad” cholesterol – what’s the difference?
“A high cholesterol value is always something you should discuss with a doctor,” says Prof. Ulrich Laufs. He is director of the clinic and polyclinic for cardiology at the University Hospital Leipzig. Because there is a risk of calcification of the vessels due to too much LDL cholesterol in the blood. Possible consequences can be a heart attack or stroke.
Cholesterol is about the big picture
But where is the best place to start to reduce the values? Cardiologist Laufs points out: It is always the person who is treated – and not the cholesterol level. It is therefore crucial whether other risk factors for health existed. These could be obesity, high blood pressure, kidney problems or diabetes.
By the way: Obesity and hypercholesterolemia, the medical term for elevated cholesterol levels – should not be confused with each other. “These are two different problems, even if there is a lot of overlap. There are slim people with very high cholesterol levels and there are obese people with low cholesterol,” says Laufs. An increased cholesterol value is often genetically determined.
When do tablets make sense?
Only from this perspective can one decide whether medical cholesterol-lowering drugs, so-called statins, should be used. The tablets can have side effects. One that many people worry about: muscle pain. But if such symptoms appear, the tablets do not necessarily have to be the cause.
“Muscular complaints are very common, especially in middle age and older age. Out of ten people who suffer from these symptoms, nine would have them even without the medication,” is Lauf’s assessment.
It doesn’t work without lifestyle changes
But tablets are by no means the only way to tackle high cholesterol levels. Nutritionist Anne Fleck has found that appropriate lifestyle changes can be an alternative to statin therapy or at least enable the dose to be reduced.
Your advice: Before and parallel to any therapy with medication, an individual change in lifestyle, especially diet, should be made.
High cholesterol levels: Can I still eat eggs?
Keyword: nutrition. Cholesterol is mainly found in animal products such as meat, eggs or butter. However, nutrition expert and author Prof. Michaela Döll (“Cholesterol under control”) says: If you try to avoid all foods that contain cholesterol, this is not effective.
“If I consume less cholesterol, for example by chastising myself and constantly avoiding the beloved chicken egg, then the body simply produces more cholesterol on its own because it needs it,” says Döll.
One key: fiber
More can be achieved with other dietary changes. According to nutritionist Anne Fleck, it is necessary to increase the amount of fiber in the diet. Reason: A large part of the cholesterol is bound in the intestine, which is helped by these indigestible food components. For example, psyllium husk and acacia fiber can be added to meals.
Oat bran can also lower cholesterol levels with its fiber, beta-glucans. According to calculations by the consumer advice center, a portion of around 40 grams of oat bran flakes per day has a positive effect on cholesterol levels.
Fleck also advises increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Suppliers include fish or algae oils, which contain the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. “It is also important to keep the trans fatty acid content of food as low as possible,” says the nutritionist. This means: It is better to use olive oil or rapeseed oil instead of sunflower or corn oil.
In general, it makes sense to follow the Mediterranean diet – and include lots of vegetables, nuts and herbs. According to Laufs, it is crucial that the amount of calories consumed roughly corresponds to the amount of calories consumed. And: “No smoking and physical activity.”
It’s never too late to make a change
By the way, it’s never too late for changes like this: Even if you’re over 70, you can still achieve a lot by changing your diet and exercising more – even if you’re sitting – says Döll. She is sure that many people would feel much better if they focused on more exercise and reducing excess weight instead of taking pills.
And if the values just won’t go down and you’ve tried everything? Then it’s time to re-examine and sharpen the strategy against the elevated cholesterol levels – and perhaps rely on the support of medication.
Book tips:
- Michaela Döll: “Cholesterol under control”. Southwest Publishing. 176 pages, 16 euros. ISBN: 978-3-517098432. Available from Buch7, Thalia or Amazon.
- Anne Fleck: “Get to the fat: Healing with fat, the health maker”. Whimsical. 432 pages, 24.99 euros. ISBN: 978-3-805200417. Available from Buch7, Thalia or Amazon
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- Butter or margarine: which is healthier?
- Rapeseed oil or olive oil: which is healthier?
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