Evoland 2: Time travel through game history lacks depth

The first smartphone games are not much more compared to now. Evoland 2 takes you on a time journey through these different game styles and genres, but in the meantime forget to be a fun game yourself.

Evoland 2 review

You used to be happy that you could play Snake on a Nokia phone, while in 2018 full console games are being transferred to the iPhone, such as Fortnite. Mobile games have made huge strides, and the new game Evoland 2 is turning this into a big party.

Just like the original, in this game you not only go through an adventure, but you also experience the transformation from classic pixel graphics to 3D games. This way you start the game in a recognizable green room that could have come from the first Game Boy. Here you get to know the main character, defeat some enemies and then you quickly end up in a larger area.

Evoland 2: Time travel through game history lacks depth

At that point, Evoland 2 switches from the gritty green image to a 2D pixel world in the style of the Super Nintendo. Throughout the story you come into contact with almost everything that games have to offer.

One minute you’re walking through a Zelda-style dungeon, a few minutes later you’re watching a bird’s-eye view of your character shooting dozens of enemies out of the sky, then waging a Street Fighter-esque fight. Each genre has its own graphic style, so Evoland never looks the same for long.

The biggest problem

Evoland 2 is set up much more grandly than the first part, and that won’t work out equally well for everyone. You will have to spend hours and hours in this game to get to the end, while the first Evoland was mainly a fun concept that you would have seen in an hour. And that is also our biggest problem with this second part.

While it’s fun watching you race through all of the game’s boundaries, they aren’t all that much fun to actually play. It is always a quick version of a well-known game, but never goes into depth itself.

However, if you want to see how far games have come over the years, Evoland 2 is definitely worth playing. However, don’t expect this digital museum to do anything new that will take games to the next level again.

→ Download Evoland 2 from the App Store (7.99 euros)

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