Find in the alluvial forest: Rare insect species rediscovered


This extremely rare mosquito-repellent was discovered in the Leipzig floodplain forest. (Photo: Lisa Hahn)

In the Leipzig floodplain forest, biologists have discovered an insect that has long been considered extinct in Germany: the mosquito-like (Bittacus hageni). The snake-like insect was lost for 130 years and has only been found once in the Harz Mountains since then. Now a specimen of this animal of a Leipzig biology student went online by chance. It is the first record of this species in East Germany and confirms the great importance of the alluvial forest for biodiversity.

Despite its proximity to the city, the Leipzig alluvial forest is a biodiversity hotspot. In this moist forest area, which is now dominated by hardwoods such as ash, maple and oak, there are many animal and plant species that have become rare in the rest of Central Europe. With a size of around 2500 hectares, the Leipzig floodplain forest is one of the largest preserved floodplain forests in Central Europe. For this reason, among other things, biologists from the University of Leipzig and the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) conduct regular research here.

Accidental catch on an excursion

The current find, however, was less the result of a targeted search than pure coincidence: the insect was discovered by a student at the University of Leipzig on an excursion to the alluvial forest area. The students also use nets to catch insects in order to practice the methodology and species identification. The student went into the net with a delicate insect, with its long wings and legs reminiscent of a snake. “As soon as I saw what she had found, it was immediately clear to me that it had to be something very special and I immediately sent pictures to my colleagues,” explains excursion leader Lisa Hahn.

The appraisal of the recordings confirmed her assumption: the insect turned out to be a female specimen of the mosquito-like (Bittacus hageni). These approximately two centimeters long representatives of the beaked flies are ambulance hunters who catch mosquitoes and other smaller insects. Bittacus hageni is one of only two species of this genus native to Europe and extremely rare on the entire continent. In Germany it was considered to be extinct for over 130 years, until a Göttingen zoologist discovered a specimen on the edge of the Harz Mountains in 2003. However, there were no further finds.

First proof for East Germany

The discovery of mosquitos in Leipzig is therefore an absolute godsend. “It is very difficult and a lucky coincidence to prove this species, as it lives extremely hidden and only seems to occur occasionally,” says Detlef Bernhard from the University of Leipzig. Through targeted searches, Hahn was able to track down two more specimens of the species in the Leipzig floodplain forest. These finds are the first evidence of this species in East Germany. The scientists want to use this opportunity to create a genetic fingerprint of this insect species for the first time. Since the characteristic gene markers of this species are then accessible in the DNA databases, this facilitates the allocation of future finds.

According to the scientists, the discovery of the mosquito also underscores how important natural habitats such as alluvial forests are for biodiversity. “This find also confirms the outstanding importance of the Leipzig alluvial forest as a refuge for threatened species and a special habitat in Europe, which it is essential to preserve in its current size and shape,” says Bernhard.

Source: University of Leipzig; Professional articles; Entomological News and Reports 65, 2021/3

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