First route check on N-road is now really coming on

It has been in the air for years that we also have to pay extra attention to the maximum speed on N roads. From next week it’s really time. Then the first system really comes on between Eembrugge and Bunschoten and fines can follow. Other routes will follow this year in the rest of the country. who drives too fast on the N-roads of the Netherlands can only bump into a lamp with a speed camera or mobile flash. However, route controls must make permanent enforcement possible. Trajectories have been set up in various places in the country for the past two years, but up to now you have not had to fear a fine. This will change on Monday (February 24). The control of the N414 between Baarn and Bunschoten has been tight since then, reports among others RTV Utrecht.

Other route checks throughout the country will also start later this year. The earlier problems with the software and power supply seem to be over. Originally, the route checks were already going on last year, but due to such problems, it was canceled.

Fortunately, the Public Prosecution Service is so kind to list where everything will be permanently checked:

Flevoland N706, Vogelweg, between the A27 and Lelystad Airport
Fryslân N351, between Wolvega and Oosterwolde

N381, between Drachten and Donkerbroek

Gelderland N325, Arnhem (Pley Route)

N787, between Brummen and Eerbeek

Limburg N275, between Blerick and Nederweert

N564, between Weert and the Belgium border

N277, between Ysselsteyn and Zeeland

N270, between Venray and Ysselsteyn

North Holland N201, Uithoorn

N205, between the N207 and the N232

N9, between Burgervlotbrug and St. Maartensvlotbrug

North Brabant N261, Tilburg

N639, between Chaam and Baarle-Nassau

Overijssel N333, between Steenwijk and Blokzijl
Utrecht N230, Utrecht, provincial part of the Zuilense Ring (Eastern part)

N414, between Eembrugge and Bunschoten

Zealand N253, Rondweg Sluis

N256, Zeeland Bridge

South-Holland N11, between Alphen a / d Rijn and Zoeterwoude-Rijndijk

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