Fitbit will now compare your sleep to that of animals

Fitbit will now compare your sleep to that of animals

Fitbit always gives numbers to the quality of your sleep, but that may not be telling enough. Because of this, it now comes to a comparison with animals and how they sleep.

Sleep Animals

The health tracker Fitbit is constantly being expanded. The Google-acquired company now comes with ‘Sleep Animals’ to show you how you are doing when it comes to sleep. With cute images from a giraffe with a pile of pillows to a dolphin holding a pillow between its fins, Fitbit hopes to inspire you to work even more on a good night’s sleep.

You can set Fitbit to notify you when it’s time to get ready for bed. Then you keep your tracker on in your sleep and the next morning you can see how deeply you slept, how often you were awake and how long you slept. Normally, sleep quality is indicated by a number, but Fitbit thinks context is needed and will provide it in the form of animals.

Sleep with Fitbit

For example, you see a hedgehog sleeping on its back, with the text (translated): “Hedgehogs are lightweight mammals and usually small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. Your sleep has been short and light. When you sleep, you probably get less deep and dream sleep (REM) and usually get less sleep than you may need. You tend to fall asleep easily and you don’t have too many nights where you are awake for a long time. To sleep more deeply, try to create space for some rest before going to sleep.”

In short, Fitbit gives you tips to take more rest, so that you are less irritable. If you succeed, you will probably see another animal the following month. You will be assigned a sleeping animal every month. There are a total of six:

Fitbit will now compare your sleep to that of animals
Fitbit will now compare your sleep to that of animals

Premium subscription

There is, however, a non-snoring catch: you can only use it if you have Fitbit Premium, the Fitbit subscription that costs 8.99 euros per month and that gives you a little more data and insights about yourself. It is also not available to all users yet, as the feature is still in beta testing. If you do have it, you’ll see a new map on the sleep page.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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