Getting Rid of Negative Thoughts: How to Handle Them

Getting Rid of Negative Thoughts: How to Handle Them

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / xusenru

Negative thoughts slow you down, reduce the joy of life and can make you sick. We have some ideas for you on how to get rid of negative thoughts.

“I’ll never pass the final exam in my life!” “He definitely doesn’t like me!” Or “It’s clear that she, not me, got the promotion!” – Do you sometimes have negative thoughts like this or similar? They can be very stressful in the long run. It is not that easy to get rid of negative thoughts. Often anger, sadness and envy resonate with it.

But it is not only important for your well-being, but also for your health to get out of the negative carousel of thoughts as soon as possible. Because if negative thoughts last a long time, they can make you sick. We have four suggestions on how to deal with negative thoughts.

Negative thoughts harm your mental and physical health

Negative thoughts can make you sick in the long run.
Negative thoughts can make you sick in the long run.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / congerdesign)

Not only your soul suffers from negative thoughts if they last for a long time. You may have heard that negative thoughts are also detrimental to your immune system. So reported Netdoctor of the fact that those affected by depression or anxiety are more prone to contracting infections.

In addition, negative thoughts could increase the risk of developing dementia. This is indicated, among other things, by a study from University College London. However, this situation has not yet been clearly clarified.

Four tips: How to get rid of negative thoughts

Building something yourself can increase your self-efficacy and make negative thoughts go away.
Building something yourself can increase your self-efficacy and make negative thoughts go away.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Skitterphoto)

Are you stuck in your negative thoughts and want to get rid of them? Unfortunately, there is no switch to flip it when you think about it. But you can train yourself bit by bit to give your negative thoughts less power over your life and your feelings. We have four ideas for you that will enable you to fight negative thoughts in an acute situation.

1. Reduce negative thoughts by increasing your self-efficacy

Often negative thoughts are based on low self-esteem. By Self-efficacy can you improve self-confidence. You gain self-efficacy by starting your own projects and successfully solving obstacles you have set yourself. This allows you to look more positively on yourself and your abilities. Often this is how you overcome fears as well. Examples of self-efficacy would be when you try to repair your bike yourself. You might also set yourself the goal of planning a vacation on your own or your own Create a herb garden on the balcony.

If you want to live more mindfully, you have to part with ballast.
If you want to live more mindfully, you have to part with ballast.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / TuendeBede)

2. Break down negative thoughts by adopting a mindful lifestyle

The catchwords Minimalism and Mindfulness are in contrast to the consumer craze and the fast pace of our time. They help you focus on the essentials and throw off unnecessary ballast. You can adopt a mindful lifestyle materially as well as spiritually:

  • For example, clear out your apartment using the method Magic cleaning by Marie Kondo to live a more minimalist life.
  • You can also clear out your thoughts by carefully walking through the day. With daily Breathing exercises you can come to yourself completely and learn to accept your emotions.
Writing down positive experiences has a positive impact on your thoughts.
Writing down positive experiences has a positive impact on your thoughts.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Free-Photos)

3. Eliminate negative thoughts by keeping a happiness journal

Every night, write down three positive things that you are grateful for. Learning to be grateful has positive effects on your wellbeing and health, one of them study from the University of San Diego. This means you don’t get stuck with your negative thoughts, but develop a more optimistic attitude – and even get sick less often.

Fill your time with things you enjoy to reduce negative thoughts.
Fill your time with things you enjoy to reduce negative thoughts.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Pexels)

4. Reduce negative thoughts by doing things you enjoy as often as possible

Think about which hobbies or activities you can forget about time. Maybe you like to bake or you love to play soccer with a few friends. Try to integrate these things into your everyday life – especially during the week after work.

In contrast, you should set a time limit for things that you don’t enjoy. Negative thoughts can also arise through comparisons through social media. If you notice that social networks are not doing you good, then reduce them or give them a try Digital detox.

Tip: The same can be applied to people around you: Avoid people after whom you feel worse than before because they are mentally dragging you down. Sometimes that also means that you have a End friendship that affects you negatively.

Conclusion: This is how you get rid of negative thoughts

Laughing helps lift your spirits.
Laughing helps lift your spirits.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Free-Photos)

Basically, you can get rid of negative thoughts by shaping your life positively and thus giving less space to negative thoughts. An inner attitude as soon as you get up helps to think more positively – even if it is difficult.

On a difficult day, smile as often as possible, even if you don’t feel like it inside. Take care of your body and eat healthy. Hear lively and joyful music instead of depressing ballads. Make compliments to other people and be a good friend to yourself by treating yourself with love.

If you find it difficult to get your negative thoughts under control for weeks, you should seek professional help. Because depression and Listlessness could be loud Netdoctor Be the hallmarks of depression that can be successfully treated.


  • Stop Brooding: How to Break Your Thoughts
  • Finding a hobby: 6 ideas that make sense
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