Google Messages converts annoying iMessage messages to emoji

Google Messages converts annoying iMessage messages to emoji

Google itself is going to ensure better compatibility between Android phones and iPhones and their messaging apps. When you like a post on an iPhone, that message appears in text on your Android phone. Google now wants to hide the text and convert it to an emoji.

Google Messages and iMessage

Apple has been offering its own messaging platform on its devices for years. iMessage includes smart chat features such as the ability to like messages or respond with an emoji. However, those functions are in no way compatible with other phones. So an emoji response appears as simple text in a text message on Android phones.

That can be disruptive in conversations and Google is therefore going to change it. In the code of Google Messages 9To5Google discovered that Messages will soon be text messages with emoji from iMessage recognizes. The app will hide such messages and show the matching emoji instead. That is still not the same as an emoji reaction that is neatly under the accompanying message, but it is certainly an improvement.

Google has been calling on tech companies for some time to get started with a universal standard for smart SMS functions. This standard is called RCS, which stands for ‘Rich Communication Services’. You can send images, emoji, stickers and so on to all devices that support the standard.

Apple’s strategy

Google last month called on Apple to work together on RCS, but it has already been leaked in a lawsuit between Apple and game developer Epic Games that the iPhone maker deliberately wants to keep its iMessage platform closed. Apple sees iMessage as an asset that convinces iOS users to stay within the ecosystem.

At this time, the new Google Messages feature has not yet been rolled out to users and we don’t know when it will be available. What do you think? Is it a good thing that Google itself makes iMessage messages look better in Google Messages? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this article.

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– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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