How to add a signature to your Word documents

How to add a signature to your Word documents

If you have drawn up a contract in Word or have written an official letter, you do not have to print the document first to be able to sign it. You can simply add your signature in Word itself, and we’ll explain how that works here.

There are several ways to add a signature to Word documents† For example, you can choose a digital or a handwritten scribble.

Signature line

First of all, you add a signature line to your document, with which you determine where the signature should be placed. This is especially useful if you do plan to print the document: you can then sign the document (or have it signed) there.

To add such a rule, go to the heading Insert in the Ribbon (the menu at the top). In the column Text do you think Signature line and when you click on it a settings window will open. Here you can indicate who has to sign the document and what his or her position is. You can also provide the signer’s email address with any instructions.

Word itself gives as an example: Please verify that the content you are signing is correct before signing this document† You can also indicate whether the signer can add comments to the signing window and whether you want to show the date of the signature. click on OK and the signature line is added directly (as image). You can also drag this image to another place in the document.

Now you can print the document and have it signed, but if you save the file as a .docx format, you can also have your document digitally signed.

Add a signature line first to be able to sign the document later.

Digital Signing

That works as follows. Double click on the signature line you just added as an image. You will then receive a message that you need a digital ID to sign the document. This is a digital certificate that helps validate your identity and is used to electronically sign important documents.

Press Yes to retrieve such an id. Microsoft recommends GlobalSign or IdenTrust to use, but you have to pay for this. An alternative is to create a digital certificate yourself by searching your PC for the Office installation folder. Often you can find it when you go to C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Office goes.

Search in this window for Selfcert and double click on the application. Enter a name for your certificate and press OK† When you go back to the Word document, you can sign your document by means of a double click on the signature line. click on Select image if you want to add a handwritten scribble. For example, take a photo of your signature and upload it to your computer.

Success? Then click on Sign† At that point, you can no longer edit the document. If you do this anyway, the signature will be removed and you will have to add it again.


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