iOS 16.5.1(a) brings many problems – Apple withdraws update

Apple released iOS 16.5.1(a) yesterday to implement important security measures, but the update just adds more problems. That is why Apple has now withdrawn the update.

Apple launches iOS 16.5.1(a)

Apple released iOS 16.5.1(a) yesterday, which fixes a major security issue in Webkit. Webkit is the program that should run all web browsers in iOS, including Safari and Chrome. The leak in Webkit was now generally known, so hackers were also aware of the security problem.

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That’s why Apple decided not to wait for iOS 16.6, but to intervene immediately with a quick security measure (Rapid Security Responses in English). These special updates are intended to fix major security vulnerabilities right away. Now it appears that iOS 16.5.1 (a) causes even more problems, forcing Apple to withdraw the update.

iOS 16.5.1(a) brings many problems – Apple withdraws update

Update causes problems with Safari

Changes are made to Webkit with iOS 16.5.1(a) to address the vulnerability. So the security problem has been fixed, but the update causes new problems in Webkit. Due to a bug in the security measure, Safari no longer works properly. Safari, like all other browsers in iOS, runs on Apple’s Webkit.

The issue in iOS 16.5.1(a) causes some websites to stop loading because they are no longer supported by Safari. Facebook, Instagram and Zoom, among others, have already reported problems with Safari in the new iOS version. Apple has therefore decided to withdraw the update. So you can no longer install iOS 16.5.1 (a) on your iPhone.

Safari features web application

Apple is working on iOS 16.5.1(b)

Have you already installed iOS 16.5.1(a) on your iPhone and are having issues with Safari? Then it is possible to disable the security measure. You do this by going to ‘General > About > iOS version’ in the settings of your iPhone. There you then have the option to remove iOS 16.5.1 (a), so that Safari will work properly again.

Read more: Update iPhone – this is how you install the latest iOS version

Apple has now announced that it is working on a new update. iOS 16.5.1(b) is likely coming to your iPhone soon, as Webkit is still vulnerable to the security issue. It is therefore expected that Apple will release the new update today or tomorrow. The problems with Safari in the first version of the security measure are therefore resolved.

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