iPhone 14 vs. Samsung Galaxy S23 (iPhone News #5)

Samsung has released the Galaxy S23 series and we compare it with the iPhone 14. And how will Netflix now monitor account sharing? This is the biggest Apple and iPhone news of the week.

iPhone 14 Pro vs. Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra: the two smartphones compared

iPhone 14 vs.  Samsung Galaxy S23 (iPhone News #5)

You probably didn’t miss it, Samsung has launched the new Galaxy S23 (Ultra).

Bee iPhoned we were very curious about this biggest competitor of the iPhone 14 (Pro) and have already compared the two phones extensively. And we were quite impressed! What can Apple learn from it?

→ Read our comprehensive comparison

Netflix reveals: this is how the company controls your account sharing

Share Netflix

Netflix keeps threatening that we will soon no longer be allowed to share our account, but so far little has happened.

However, it seems that this will soon change, because Netflix has now announced how it wants to keep an eye on whether you share your account at all. We give you the summary.

→ This is how Netflix keeps an eye on you!

iPhone battery draining fast? That’s because of Facebook

facebook battery

Do you still have the Facebook app on your phone? Maybe not such a good idea, because that app secretly performs battery tests with your iPhone. And that makes your battery empty faster! Bizarre that this is allowed, we explain it for you.

→ These are Facebook’s shady practices

Lifehack: this is how you have a cheap Apple Watch Ultra for 15 euros

Buy Apple Watch Ultra

Despite its high price, the Apple Watch Ultra is extremely popular. Don’t feel like paying 1000 euros for a watch, but do you like the tough look? With our lifehack you can turn an ordinary Apple Watch into an Ultra – for only 15 euros!

→ It’s that easy

When will my iPhone break? This study has the numbers

iphone piece

Of course you don’t want your iPhone to break down quickly, but sometimes you really can’t help it. But how often does it actually happen that Apple’s device breaks down so quickly?

This research answers. The figures show how long it takes on average before your iPhone needs to be repaired.

→ Find out when your iPhone breaks down

WhatsApp for Mac is about to get much better – try it out now

WhatsApp has released the first beta of an alternative Mac app for the popular messaging service. This one is already much better than the current one; we show you how you are already using it.

→ Discover the new WhatsApp for Mac

The latest Apple and iPhone news:

  • iPhone 14 vs. Samsung Galaxy S23 (iPhone News #5)

  • The Best iPhone Wallpapers of the Week (Wallpaper Weekly #5 2023)

  • iPhone 14 Pro vs. Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra: the two smartphones compared

  • Opinion: The cheapest Mac mini is more than enough for most people

  • This is why Apple has released a new HomePod after all

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