iPhone 16 will have a new button – we already know this

Apple introduced the new action button with the iPhone 15, but the iPhone 16 will reportedly get another button. This is what we know about the button so far.

New button on the iPhone 16

It will still take a while before the iPhone 16 appears, but the first rumors are already emerging. It was already clear that the iPhone 16 Pro and the iPhone 16 Pro Max (or Ultra?) will have a larger screen. According to new rumors, it doesn’t stop there, because the iPhone 16 will reportedly have a completely new button. Apple already introduced the action button with the iPhone 15 Pro (Max), but another button has been added.

Also read: Action button iPhone 15 Pro (Max): these are the functions of the new feature

We will probably find the new button on the iPhone 16 under the lock button, on the right side of the device. It is still unclear what the button is for, according to rumors the button is called the ‘Capture Button’ by Apple itself. However, the button works slightly differently than the buttons we now see on the iPhone 15.

iPhone 16 will have a new button – we already know this

You cannot press the capture button

The new Capture button is reportedly not a physical button, but a button that vibrates when you ‘press’ it. This means that the button works with Haptic Touch. You cannot physically press the new button, instead the button works with vibration motors. We already know this technology from the home button on the iPhone 7, iPhone 8, iPhone SE 2020 and iPhone SE 2022.

It previously seemed that the action button of the iPhone 15 Pro (Max) would work with Haptic Touch. Ultimately, Apple opted for a physical button, but the iPhone 16 will have a Haptic Touch button. It is not yet clear whether the action button will also be adapted to this technology, or whether it will remain a physical button.

iPhone 15 usb c

Action button also comes to iPhone 16 (Plus)

Apple introduced the action button this year on the iPhone 15 Pro (Max), but will probably also bring the button to the regular iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus next year. The new Capture button will only come to the iPhone 16 Pro (Max). It remains to be seen what exactly you can do with the new button and whether the button will actually be available.

Also read: Already leaked: iPhone 16 Pro will get these innovations

According to rumors, the Capture button is still in the first testing phase, so Apple can also choose to delete the button or move it to the iPhone 17. For now, the company still has plenty of time, because the iPhone 16 won’t be released until next year. Until then we have to make do with the iPhone 15. Are you still looking for a new iPhone? Then take a look at the best deals in our price comparator!

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