A good start to the new year is always a good idea. That’s why this time iPhone tips to start the new year in the best possible way!
iPhone tips to start the new year well
Whether you’ve already made resolutions or not, your iPhone can help you. These iPhone tips will help you make and maintain good intentions, lose weight, exercise and even quit smoking!
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1. Make and maintain good intentions with Griply
Griply makes it very easy to make and maintain good intentions (goals). You can keep track of your progress very clearly with graphs. Griply is suitable for all types of goals. Whether you want to lose weight, exercise more, eat less, stop smoking, or sleep better.
Tap your main goal and create multiple sub-goals under ‘Action Plan’. It is often useful to set a sub-goal for each week. This helps you slowly but surely achieve your ultimate goal, while maintaining an overview.
Do you really find Griply fun and useful? Then there is also a Premium version. Griply Premium is available from 3.99 euros per month. This allows you to create unlimited goals, habits and habitats.

2. Relax into the new year with Meditation Moments
You have probably known for a long time that it is a good idea to meditate on a regular basis. If you plan to start doing this at your leisure in 2025, the Medidition Moments app will come in handy. In addition to learning to meditate, the app can help you sleep better, less stress, more rest, more focus and be more positive. A combination of different goals is of course also possible.
Simply create an account, select your goals and add more yourself if necessary. The app then tries to entice you into a free trial period, after which you will pay 49.99 euros per year. Instead, just tap the cross at the top left to use the app for free.

3. Track what you eat with Lifesum
Counting calories is of course not fun, but it is the best method to lose weight, maintain weight or gain weight if you need it. Because only by counting calories do you know exactly how much you eat and you can compare that with how much you burn. The app that makes counting calories a lot easier is Lifesum.
Lifesum has a pleasant design, has many options and motivates you to make good choices. You start by telling Lifesum what your goal is: lose weight, maintain weight or gain weight. A plan will then be made for you. Every time you eat something, you simply enter it. You can search for the right product via text or scan the barcode. You can also place a water widget on your home screen. You only have to tap it when you have had something to drink.

4. Exercise more with Apple’s Fitness app
With the Fitness app you can see at a glance whether you have exercised enough. And this on both your iPhone and your Apple Watch. The app shows this using three rings: red, green and blue. In the App Store the app is called Fitness.
The red ring stands for ‘Movement’. This ring is measured in calories, whereby you burn more calories by exercising and therefore fill the ring. The green ring stands for ‘Training’. This ring fills up when you do intense activity while wearing the smart watch. The blue ring stands for ‘Stand’. This ring counts the hours in which you have stood and moved for at least a full minute.
You can adjust your goals yourself, so that you have to do less or more to fill your rings. Since iOS 18 it is also possible to temporarily pause the rings.

5. QuitNow!: quit smoking
The most classic New Year’s resolution is of course to quit smoking. The App Store is full of apps that want to help you with this. And they all work more or less the same. In QuitNow! you can see at a glance how long you have quit, how many cigarettes you have not smoked and how much money you have saved.
You can also see in the app which health improvements have already occurred, based on data from the WHO (World Health Organization). You can also chat with other quitters and share useful tips to motivate each other.

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