iTunes, iBooks & App Store: Request a refund for a purchased item

It may happen that you have purchased something in the iTunes, iBooks or App Store, but this is not correct. In that case, you can claim the purchase amount back online from Apple. Of course, there are certain conditions, such as the application must be submitted within the 14 days after purchase and of course have a valid reason. In some cases you can still request the refund up to 90 days after purchase.

For example, if the application is not fun or the album of an artist is not what it should be, then you are out of luck. Unfortunately, that is not a valid reason. Of course, it can happen that you want to buy a navigation app for Europe, but you accidentally bought the USA version, then you can ask for your money back for this reason.

Get money back for app purchases and more

  • In a web browser, open the following website:
  • Log in with your Apple ID (the one used to make the purchase)
  • Under ‘How can we help you?’ select ‘Request a refund’
  • Select a valid reason and click/tap ‘Next’
  • In the list of purchases, check the book, album, app, etc. for which you want a refund
  • Click or tap ‘send’
iTunes, iBooks & App Store: Request a refund for a purchased item

Depending on your choice, additional information may be requested. If necessary, describe in the text field provided the reason why you would like your money back. Make sure you clearly state why you would like your money back, as previously stated it must be for a valid reason. Apple will look into the problem and possibly refund the purchase amount to your account.

You can use the above procedure to claim back money for apps, music, movies, TV shows, and books purchased from Apple’s iTunes, iBooks, and App Stores. You can also claim back money for subscriptions and in-app purchases this way.

Purchases are final

In principle, Apple states that all sales are final, but exceptions are made for various cases. If Apple notices that someone is abusing this function, access to it will be denied and can even restrict the download of apps.

NBsome developers have enabled an additional pop-up window with the message: “I am aware that I can no longer cancel the purchase if I download this app within fourteen days of tapping ‘Buy’.” Unfortunately, in most cases you will not get your money back. This is also the case for in-app purchases.

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