The topic of physics often seems dry and abstract to many people. Even if the topics are very fascinating and everyday, many people who are curious cannot always be attracted. A particularly popular and extensive topic in physics is magnetism. Each of us has already come across magnetic objects in everyday life, even if it’s just at home on our own refrigerator. If such a tangible phenomenon is simply dealt with in books or theoretical explanations, it can become quite lengthy. Knowledge about inaccessible topics can also be conveyed in a playful way, e.g. B. through learning objects such as a magnetic cube. We humans can better understand even the most complex issues through knowledge games. A few types of magnetic learning games that exist in addition to a magnetic cube are presented here.
Magnetic puzzles and mazes
The fascination of two magnets attracting or repelling each other has fascinated people for a few centuries. Great inventions such as B. the compass are based on the concept of magnetism. So it’s no wonder that over time more and more magnetic games have been invented to bring the concept of the two opposite poles closer to people in everyday life. There are numerous variants that differ in their complexity. A Magnetic cube, which can be changed as desired and thus trains creativity and fine motor skills, is just one of many magnetism game ideas. For puzzle enthusiasts, magnetic 2D or 3D puzzles, which teach the principle of magnetic attraction, are a good place to start. When a puzzle piece is placed in the right place, it is attracted to the built-in magnet. This effect reinforces the gameplay of a puzzle and, in addition to the associated learning effect, also activates the reward center in the brain. Magnetic labyrinths are suitable for puzzle lovers, in which a small metal ball has to be guided to the target using a magnetic pin. Magnetic mazes are available in different levels of difficulty for all ages. These game variants are particularly suitable for people who miss the puzzle aspect of a magnetic cube.

Totally abstract: magnetic stories, works of art and experiment kits
If simple magnetic toys are too boring for you or if you want to deepen your understanding of magnetism, in addition to the standard educational toys such as: B. the magnetic cube, there are numerous other options. Learning boxes that contain extensive material on the topic are particularly suitable for those who are particularly interested in science magnetism provide and provide friends of hands-on learning with a deeper knowledge of magnets and their properties. Magnetic books and stories can also be used as an introduction to the topic. Creative minds have the opportunity to advance the plot of such a book using the included magnets. Physics experts and amateur scientists generally have much more fun with an experimental kit that can be used to solve various, more complex tasks. 3D puzzles or a magnetic rocket are just a few examples from a wide range of experiment kits. People who like to be particularly creative but find the possibilities of a magnetic cube too limited should try a magnetic work of art. There are no limits for the fanatasy. Two-dimensional images created by colorful, flat magnets are just as popular as three-dimensional structures that are assembled with magnetic building blocks. Creativity and science are definitely not mutually exclusive.
Learning and knowledge games on the subject of magnetism are suitable for everyone
The various knowledge games about magnetism are clearly also suitable for adults. Educational games can support the ability to think abstractly as well as provide a general understanding of the topic. Adults who want to refresh their school knowledge should not be afraid to try out magnetic games. toys, such as B. a magnetic cube, teaches the functionality of magnetism as if by itself. By trying out and building new figures, the laws of magnetism are conveyed in no time. Dry memorization of formulas is therefore not always necessary to introduce interested parties to complex physics issues.