Is that one great movie actually on Netflix? And what kind of news can be seen on Videoland? Or does Dplay have a nice documentary? Discover everything about the range of streaming services on the site Streamwijzer.nl.
Video over the internet
More and more online video services are being added in our country. With millions of members, Netflix is ​​currently the largest party in the Netherlands. But RTL’s Videoland is also becoming increasingly well-known and Discovery’s channels offer all kinds of programs via Dplay. And then there is also NPO Start. So a lot of parties, all of which have a different offer. In this article we explain how you can search for streaming services on Streamwijzer, read news items about the services and get an overview per service of newly published or deleted series.
All together on Streamwijzer
It is a lot of work to find out which films, series or documentaries are all new for each service. While it is useful and nice to know. The website Stream indicator gives an overview of this. If you are a member of a streaming service, this is a good place to find information about your video provider. But it can also help to make a choice for a certain video service.
News about programs
on Streamwijzer.nl you will find news items about the various video services available in the Netherlands. Those messages are not only about when well-known movies come online, but also about series that get an extra season or programs that are removed from the sites.
View full range
The main menu, at the top of the screen, provides access to, among other things, the range of streaming services. For example, click Offer > Netflix and you will see a table with all programs that are available on Netflix in the Netherlands. Sort the table by clicking, for example, Title or Year. By default, the most recently added titles are at the top. The table also shows which rating (from 0 to 10) the show received on the American leading site IMDb.
Overview new or deleted series
You can see which programs have been added to a provider in a particular month via the ‘Overview’ section in the navigation bar. Or in some cases which ones are removed. For example, click Overview > Videoland > New this month to discover what Videoland has added to the offer per month.